Latest Feedback
Really great person to deal with. Responded quite quickly and was very honest and trustworthy. | Sold me $85 worth of BTC
- Buyer
- Zeiyon (111)
A very great example of a hardworking Manager.
- Trader
- ChiefSmarties (15)
Very nice guy, very good at what he does!
- Trader
- CWTcreeper (22)
Great, easy to work with! | He is a Manager on my server, hes always active, he helps the community and is very experienced
- Trader
- 123123noob (0)
quick discord bot developer | finished my discord bot within ~35 minutes. | he's a quick worker and reliable | if youre looking for a discord bot, he's the person to go to | also did a somewhat "hard" bot for a vc.
- Buyer
- pengie (27)