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Nice person, solid communication and easy to deal with no issues at all | Sold me $150 BTC went smoothly
- Buyer
- TheProOG (2)
Great, very professional, would transact with again, would recommend | I sold this user $100 worth of Bitcoin for Paypal. The Paypal payment was quick.
- Seller
- dunkendog (3)
Very responsive and helpful, easy to communicate and good rates and info. Would deal again :) | Sold me BTC
- Buyer
- TheExchanger (30)
Perfect | bought $50 worth of BTC | bought $50 worth of BTC
- Seller
- Uxon (12)
- Visit deal thread
A true business man. Trully honest and keeps their word no matter what. | Sold them my CS:GO Knife, used a Middleman and the transaction was as smooth as butter. Thanks for dealing with me!
- Seller
- sude (3)