W W WizardPulse Dec 7, 2017 Any chance you know the guy selling the Wizard account? Would love to buy it, missed out on the name change by like 2 minutes.
Any chance you know the guy selling the Wizard account? Would love to buy it, missed out on the name change by like 2 minutes.
Jayson Oct 9, 2016 You started the "Paying the person above $100" game, but you didn't give me $100. :( http://www.mc-market.org/attachments/35609/
You started the "Paying the person above $100" game, but you didn't give me $100. :( http://www.mc-market.org/attachments/35609/
Speed Dec 22, 2015 I thought you were kidding about that concussion, sorry for acting like an asshole about it