dutchminerHD Jun 5, 2016 Just got scammed by this guy. I was skyping with him and he really said GG get scammed. This was the payment i made http://prntscr.com/bcnbuw
Just got scammed by this guy. I was skyping with him and he really said GG get scammed. This was the payment i made http://prntscr.com/bcnbuw
Agonist May 20, 2016 Devouch - Annoying and Childish. His server charged back the plugins he bought from my friend. Would not buy or sell anything to this guy!
Devouch - Annoying and Childish. His server charged back the plugins he bought from my friend. Would not buy or sell anything to this guy!
TbhMike May 13, 2016 I just added you on skype regarding this thread, http://www.mc-market.org/threads/100825/ can we talk on skype?
I just added you on skype regarding this thread, http://www.mc-market.org/threads/100825/ can we talk on skype?