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  • Devouch for you too.
    For getting rid of me just because im helping 13 years old from your friend.
    2nd Too Immature trying to Destroy my name in this mcforum just because of his friend even tho he know what his friends did to him
    3rd Lying and trying to say im the one who is being Toxic

    I can say more but i can't make 420+ words
    I am so sorry of what's recently happened to you, and your family member. This has happened to me as well, and I fully get it. Trust me. Just believe and everything will turn out alright.

    It did for me, and she lived, so it will for you... Oh right?

    *Gives a shit ton of huggles*
    *Gives a shut ton of <3's*
    *Gives sleeping pills since you wanted to sleep*
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