A simple chat manager plugin !
Anti - Flood
When someone flood a character, it delete its message and send this :
When someone flood a character, it delete its message and send this :
Clear all the chat
Clear all the chat
Execute a command when someone write a swear config in the swear.yml ( it delete the message sent)
Execute a command when someone write a swear config in the swear.yml ( it delete the message sent)
2.10.6 +
Disable chat:
/ac disable :so no-one can write on the chat
/ac enable: to enable it again
/ac disable :so no-one can write on the chat
/ac enable: to enable it again
/ac reload - Reload the plugin; advancedchat.admin
/ac help - Show the help page; advancedchat.admin
/ac clear - Clear the chat; advancedchat.admin OR advancedchat.clear
/ac clear <player_name> - Clear the player chat; advancedchat.admin OR advancedchat.clear
/ac disable/enable - Disable or Enable the chat; advancedchat.admin OR advancedchat.chat
explanation: (command) - (description)permission)
/ac help - Show the help page; advancedchat.admin
/ac clear - Clear the chat; advancedchat.admin OR advancedchat.clear
/ac clear <player_name> - Clear the player chat; advancedchat.admin OR advancedchat.clear
/ac disable/enable - Disable or Enable the chat; advancedchat.admin OR advancedchat.chat
explanation: (command) - (description)permission)
advancedchat.admin (bypass anti flood, can clear the chat)
advancedchat.bypass.flood (bypass anti-flood)
advancedchat.bypass.clear (bypass clear chat)
advancedchat.bypass.swear (bypass anti-swear)
advancedchat.clear (clear the chat)
advancedchat.chat (enable/disable the chat)
advancedchat.bypass.flood (bypass anti-flood)
advancedchat.bypass.clear (bypass clear chat)
advancedchat.bypass.swear (bypass anti-swear)
advancedchat.clear (clear the chat)
advancedchat.chat (enable/disable the chat)
anti-flood: true
clear-chat: true
anti-swear: true
disable-chat: true
language: "french"
max-repetition: 5
prefix: "&f[&bAdvancedChat&f]"
no-permission: "&4You don't have the permission to do that"
no-args: "&4You've missed some args"
config-reload: "&bConfig reloaded successfully"
no-spam: "&bPlease, don't spam"
help: "&b&m-----&r&f&m-----&r&8[&bAdvanced&fChat&8]&f&m-----&r&b&m-----&r"
help-reload: "&b/ac reload &8- &fReload the plugin"
help-help: "&b/ac help &8- &fShow this page"
help-global-clear: "&b/ac clear &8- &fClear Global chat"
help-private-clear: "&b/ac clear <player> &8- &fClear player chat"
help-enable-chat: "&b/ac enable &8- &fEnable the chat"
help-disable-chat: "&b/ac disable &8- &fDisable the chat"
help-end: "&b&m-----&r&f&m-----&r&8 Page 1/1 &f&m-----&r&b&m-----&r"
message-clear: "&bYou have cleared the chat"
error-clear-chat-player: "&bThe player doesn't exists"
#Message sent to the player who disabled the chat
message-disable-chat: "&4Chat disabled"
message-enable-chat: "&bChat enabled"
#Error message if you don't have enabled the disable-chat
error-disable-chat: "&bYou don't have allowed disabling the chat, you can change it in the config.yml"
#Message sent to the player who try to write
message-disabled-chat-player: "&4Chat disabled"
#You need to separate with the coma
swear: "swear1,swear2"
#The command used to mute the player
#use %player_name%
command-mute: "cmd %player_name%"