Staff Chat is a simple plugin that gives your staff opportunity to type with eachother.
1. Download the plugin.
2. Upload the plugin in your plugins folder on your server.
3. Restart or reload the server (Reloading isn't recommended unless you don't got many plugins).
4. You are now all ready to use the StaffChat plugin! Make sure to customize it in the StaffChat/config.yml to make it look however you want it to. If you encounter any issues let me know.
2. Upload the plugin in your plugins folder on your server.
3. Restart or reload the server (Reloading isn't recommended unless you don't got many plugins).
4. You are now all ready to use the StaffChat plugin! Make sure to customize it in the StaffChat/config.yml to make it look however you want it to. If you encounter any issues let me know.
1. Set the webhook to true in config.yml.
2. Go to your discord server settings and press on intergrations.
3. Click on create a new webhook, set the channel and copy the webhook id.
4. Then put the link you got in config where it says "INSERT-WEBHOOK-HERE" and do /screload, then it should send messaegs to the channel you set it to send.
2. Go to your discord server settings and press on intergrations.
3. Click on create a new webhook, set the channel and copy the webhook id.
4. Then put the link you got in config where it says "INSERT-WEBHOOK-HERE" and do /screload, then it should send messaegs to the channel you set it to send.
- Everything is configurable & customizable.
Send messages without typing command. (/sctoggle)
Toggling off staff chat. (/scdisable)
Reloading config. (/screload)
AdminChat & DeveloperChat (That you can disable in config if you do not want it).
Help command with everything stated in it. (/schelp)
PlaceholderAPI support (Beta)
Discord webhook support.
A lot more...
# You may use unicode characters if you'd like. If you are. Please add -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to your start up script to ensure it saves properly.
# Using placeholders is not recommended because it is still in beta and being worked on. Make sure to download placeholder expansion if you use it though.
# Like you can use /papi ecloud download Player then you can use the placeholder %player_name%, but as I said, enabling placeholders is not recommended.
# If you do not know how to use webhooks please read the plugin post there is a quick explanation. Webhook logs all the chat messages. Adminchat, devchat and sc.
error: '&cYou are not allowed to execute this command. Contact a server administrator
if you believe this is an error.'
toggle-on: '&3You have toggled staff chat &aon&3!'
toggle-off: '&3You have toggled staff chat &coff&3!'
header: '&8[&eStaffChat&8]&f '
name: '%placeholderyouwant%'
error: '&cYou are not allowed to execute this command. Contact a server administrator
if you believe this is an error.'
toggle-on: '&3You have toggled admin chat &aon&3!'
toggle-off: '&3You have toggled admin chat &coff&3!'
header: '&8[&cAdminChat&8]&f '
name: '%placeholderyouwant'
error: '&cYou are not allowed to execute this command. Contact a server administrator
if you believe this is an error.'
toggle-on: '&3You have toggled developer chat &aon&3!'
toggle-off: '&3You have toggled developer chat &coff&3!'
header: '&8[&eDeveloperChat&8]&f '
name: '%placeholderyouwant%'
enable-placeholders: false
enabled: false
webhookusername: StaffChat Logs
footer: New Staff Chat message
staffchat-enabled: true
developerchat-enabled: true
adminchat-enabled: true
update-checker: false
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