Missions added to minecraft, keep your players entertained!
fazal - play.pvpingmc.net
(( PM myself to be on the list if you have purchased the resource! ))


Complete vigorous missions, to keep yourself entertained!

ApolloMissions is a task and objective plugin that allows players to complete "missions" to earn rewards custom to your choosing!

  • Fully Configurable
  • 1.7-1.12 Support
  • Daily, Weekly, & Monthly Missions!
  • Unlimited Missions, you can add as many missions as you want and it will randomly pick one!
  • Fully custom per interval reward, meaning there are different rewards for daily, weekly, and monthly challenges. (Soon might add it per mission, for now its per interval, if you want using the API you can also do your own chance system or anything for rewards!)
  • Super High Quality, Sounds, and more!
  • Easy to use API
  • Multiple Plugin Support (WorldGuard, SilkSpawners, Factions, CrazyCrates, Essentials, & more!)
ApolloMissions is a game-changing mechanism plugin, it allows you to bring the concept of the "mission" into minecraft. The "mission" is a various task that you complete for rewards. You are able to set an unlimited amount of missions to your choosing to allow your players to play for an incentive reward or action.





  Command: /missions | Opens the Missions Graphical User Interface.
  Permission: None
  Command: /missions reload | Reloads Plugin Config
  Permission: apollo.missions.reload
(( We are going to be adding more soon, including Admin commands! ))

How to Set-up ApolloMissions.jar:
1) Purchase & Download the plugin!
2) Place ApolloMissions.jar into your servers plugins folder.
3) Restart your server.
4) Edit config to your liking.
5) Either restart the server or reload the plugin.
6) You now have the plugin fully set-up!

    Title: "&e&lMissions"
    Size: 27
        Material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
        Data: 15
        Name: '&7'
        Lore: []
        Material: WATCH
        Data: 0
        Name: '&e&l[!] &6Daily &eMissions &7(Click)'
          - ''
          - ' &6&l* &eCooldown &f24 Hours'
          - ''
          - '&7&o(( Tip: &f&oRight-Click&7&o to view your &6&oDaily Mission&7&o! ))'
        Slot: 11
        Material: WATCH
        Data: 0
        Name: '&6&l[!] &eWeekly &6Missions &7(Click)'
          - ''
          - ' &e&l* &6Cooldown &f7 Days'
          - ''
          - '&7&o(( Tip: &f&oRight-Click&7&o to view your &e&oWeekly Mission&7&o! ))'
        Slot: 13
        Material: WATCH
        Data: 0
        Name: '&4&l[!] &cMonthly &4Missions &7(Click)'
          - ''
          - ' &4&l* &cCooldown &f1 Month'
          - ''
          - '&7&o(( Tip: &f&oRight-Click&7&o to view your &4&oMonthly Mission&7&o! ))'
        Slot: 15
    Title: "&e&l%missiontype% Missions"
    Size: 9
        Material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
        Data: 15
        Name: '&7'
        Lore: []
        Material: WATCH
        Data: 0
        Name: '&c&l[!] &7%name%'
          - ''
          - '&4&l* &c&lMISSION'
          - '&7%description%'
          - ''
          - '&4&lCOMPLETION'
          - '%progressbar% &7(%percent%%)'
          - '&7(%current% / %max%)'
        Slot: 4
    Break x500 Cobblestone:
      Description: 'Break x500 Cobblestone Blocks.'
      ChallengeType: Break
      Material: COBBLESTONE
      Amount: 500
    Eat x64 Golden Apples:
      Description: 'Eat x64 Golden Apples (Normal).'
      ChallengeType: Consume
      Material: GOLDEN_APPLE
      Data: 0
      Amount: 64
    Craft x64 Diamond Blocks:
      Description: 'Craft x64 Diamond Blocks.'
      ChallengeType: Craft
      Material: DIAMOND_BLOCK
      Data: 0
      Amount: 64
    Create a Faction:
      Description: 'Create a Faction (/f create).'
      ChallengeType: FactionCreate
    Catch x5 Pufferfishes:
      Description: 'Fish out x5 Pufferfishes'
      ChallengeType: Fish
      Data: 3
      Amount: 5
    Kill x1 Boss Mob:
      Description: 'Kill x1 Boss Mob.'
      ChallengeType: KillBossMob
      Amount: 1
    Kill x5 Enemy Players:
      Description: 'Kill x5 Enemy Faction Players.'
      ChallengeType: KillEnemyPlayer
      Amount: 5
    Kill x500 Blazes:
      Description: 'Kill x500 Blaze Mobs.'
      ChallengeType: KillMob
      Mob: BLAZE
      Amount: 500
    Kill x10 Players:
      Description: 'Kill x10 Players.'
      ChallengeType: KillPlayer
      Amount: 10
    Kill x3 Players In Warzone:
      Description: 'Kill x3 Players In Warzone (/warp pvp).'
      ChallengeType: KillPlayerRegion
      Amount: 3
      Region: PVP
    Mine x3 Iron Golem Spawners:
      Description: 'Mine x3 Iron Golem Spawners.'
      ChallengeType: MineSpawner
      Mob: IRON_GOLEM
      Amount: 3
    Open x5 Vote Keys:
      Description: 'Open x5 Vote Crate Keys.'
      ChallengeType: OpenCrate
      Crate: Vote
      Amount: 5
    Open x5 Supply Crates:
      Description: 'Open x5 Supply Crates (/warp warzone).'
      ChallengeType: OpenSupplyCrate
      Amount: 5
    Place x500 Stone:
      Description: 'Place x500 Stone Blocks.'
      ChallengeType: Place
      Material: STONE
      Amount: 500
    Place x3 Iron Golem Spawners:
      Description: 'Place x3 Iron GOlem Spawners.'
      ChallengeType: PlaceSpawner
      Mob: IRON_GOLEM
      Amount: 3
    'Type #ApolloMissions':
      Description: 'Type "#ApolloMissions" In Chat.'
      ChallengeType: Type
      Text: '#ApolloMissions'
    Break x5000 Cobblestone:
      Description: 'Break x5000 Cobblestone Blocks.'
      ChallengeType: Break
      Material: COBBLESTONE
      Amount: 5000
    Eat x64 Golden Apples:
      Description: 'Eat x64 Golden Apples (Enchanted).'
      ChallengeType: Consume
      Material: GOLDEN_APPLE
      Data: 1
      Amount: 64
    Craft x500 Diamond Blocks:
      Description: 'Craft x500 Diamond Blocks.'
      ChallengeType: Craft
      Material: DIAMOND_BLOCK
      Data: 0
      Amount: 500
    Create a Faction:
      Description: 'Create a Faction (/f create).'
      ChallengeType: FactionCreate
    Catch x25 Pufferfishes:
      Description: 'Fish out x25 Pufferfishes'
      ChallengeType: Fish
      Data: 3
      Amount: 25
    Kill x3 Boss Mob:
      Description: 'Kill x3 Boss Mobs.'
      ChallengeType: KillBossMob
      Amount: 3
    Kill x15 Enemy Players:
      Description: 'Kill x15 Enemy Faction Players.'
      ChallengeType: KillEnemyPlayer
      Amount: 15
    Kill x5000 Blazes:
      Description: 'Kill x5000 Blaze Mobs.'
      ChallengeType: KillMob
      Mob: BLAZE
      Amount: 5000
    Kill x50 Players:
      Description: 'Kill x50 Players.'
      ChallengeType: KillPlayer
      Amount: 50
    Kill x5 Players In Warzone:
      Description: 'Kill x5 Players In Warzone (/warp pvp).'
      ChallengeType: KillPlayerRegion
      Amount: 5
      Region: PVP
    Mine x10 Iron Golem Spawners:
      Description: 'Mine x10 Iron Golem Spawners.'
      ChallengeType: MineSpawner
      Mob: IRON_GOLEM
      Amount: 10
    Open x5 Legendary Keys:
      Description: 'Open x5 Legendary Crate Keys.'
      ChallengeType: OpenCrate
      Crate: Legendary
      Amount: 5
    Open x15 Supply Crates:
      Description: 'Open x15 Supply Crates (/warp warzone).'
      ChallengeType: OpenSupplyCrate
      Amount: 15
    Place x5000 Stone:
      Description: 'Place x5000 Stone Blocks.'
      ChallengeType: Place
      Material: STONE
      Amount: 5000
    Place x10 Iron Golem Spawners:
      Description: 'Place x10 Iron GOlem Spawners.'
      ChallengeType: PlaceSpawner
      Mob: IRON_GOLEM
      Amount: 10
    'Type #ApolloMissions':
      Description: 'Type "#ApolloMissions" In Chat.'
      ChallengeType: Type
      Text: '#ApolloMissions'
    Break x50000 Cobblestone:
      Description: 'Break x50000 Cobblestone Blocks.'
      ChallengeType: Break
      Material: COBBLESTONE
      Amount: 50000
    Eat x640 Golden Apples:
      Description: 'Eat x640 Golden Apples (Enchanted).'
      ChallengeType: Consume
      Material: GOLDEN_APPLE
      Data: 1
      Amount: 640
    Craft x5000 Diamond Blocks:
      Description: 'Craft x5000 Diamond Blocks.'
      ChallengeType: Craft
      Material: DIAMOND_BLOCK
      Data: 0
      Amount: 5000
    Create a Faction:
      Description: 'Create a Faction (/f create).'
      ChallengeType: FactionCreate
    Catch x250 Pufferfishes:
      Description: 'Fish out x250 Pufferfishes'
      ChallengeType: Fish
      Data: 3
      Amount: 250
    Kill x30 Boss Mob:
      Description: 'Kill x30 Boss Mobs.'
      ChallengeType: KillBossMob
      Amount: 30
    Kill x150 Enemy Players:
      Description: 'Kill x150 Enemy Faction Players.'
      ChallengeType: KillEnemyPlayer
      Amount: 150
    Kill x50000 Blazes:
      Description: 'Kill x50000 Blaze Mobs.'
      ChallengeType: KillMob
      Mob: BLAZE
      Amount: 50000
    Kill x500 Players:
      Description: 'Kill x500 Players.'
      ChallengeType: KillPlayer
      Amount: 500
    Kill x50 Players In Warzone:
      Description: 'Kill x50 Players In Warzone (/warp pvp).'
      ChallengeType: KillPlayerRegion
      Amount: 50
      Region: PVP
    Mine x100 Iron Golem Spawners:
      Description: 'Mine x100 Iron Golem Spawners.'
      ChallengeType: MineSpawner
      Mob: IRON_GOLEM
      Amount: 100
    Open x50 Legendary Keys:
      Description: 'Open x50 Legendary Crate Keys.'
      ChallengeType: OpenCrate
      Crate: Legendary
      Amount: 50
    Open x150 Supply Crates:
      Description: 'Open x150 Supply Crates (/warp warzone).'
      ChallengeType: OpenSupplyCrate
      Amount: 150
    Place x50000 Stone:
      Description: 'Place x50000 Stone Blocks.'
      ChallengeType: Place
      Material: STONE
      Amount: 50000
    Place x100 Iron Golem Spawners:
      Description: 'Place x100 Iron GOlem Spawners.'
      ChallengeType: PlaceSpawner
      Mob: IRON_GOLEM
      Amount: 100
    'Type #ApolloMissions':
      Description: 'Type "#ApolloMissions" In Chat.'
      ChallengeType: Type
      Text: '#ApolloMissions'
    - 'give %player% diamond 5'
    - 'give %player% diamond 15'
    - 'give %player% diamond 35'
    enabled: true
    volume: 1
    pitch: 0.4920635
    sound: LEVEL_UP
    enabled: true
    volume: 1
    pitch: 0.4920635
    sound: CHEST_OPEN
    enabled: true
    volume: 5
    pitch: 0.4920635
    sound: CLICK
    enabled: true
    volume: 5
    pitch: 1
    - '&e&l[!] &6&nDaily&r &eMissions have now been reset! &7&o(/missions)'
    - '&e&l[!] &6&nWeekly&r &eMissions have now been reset! &7&o(/missions)'
    - '&e&l[!] &6&nMonthly&r &eMissions have now been reset! &7&o(/missions)'
    - '&e&l[!] &eYou have completed &6%percentage%&e of your &6%challenge%&7 (%missiontype% Challenge)&e!'
    - '&e&l[!] &eYou have successfully completed your &6&n%missiontype% Mission&e!'


Our plugin has a fully functional API, that can allow developers to access the plugin!
ChallengeCompletionEvent | Called anytime a player progresses a challenge, you may set the progress being set by using .setProgressToSet(int newProgress), you can cancel the event, you can get the challenge instance for it as well.
ChallengeProgressEvent | Called anytime a player completes a challenge, you may modify the reward list, you can cancel the event, you can get the challenge instance for it as well.
API Information:
MissionsAPI.getInstance() | Gets the API Instance to access further methods.
MissionsAPI.getInstance().getDailyChallenge() | Gets the Challenge instance of the Daily Mission.
MissionsAPI.getInstance().getWeeklyChallenge() | Gets the Challenge instance of the Weekly Mission.
MissionsAPI.getInstance().getMonthlyChallenge() | Gets the Challenge instance of the Monthy Mission.
MissionsAPI.getInstance().getProgress(Player, Challenge) | Returns int of progress of Challenge for Player.
MissionsAPI.getInstance().setProgress(Player, Challenge, Progress) | Set's Player's progress to Progress for Challenge​
Providing Ownership Proof so we can prove we made it!
Developer: fazal

Above is a screenshot of the source code, and one of the listeners (PiracyListener) which sends me, the developer (Fazal) a message when I join that you are using the plugin.​

If you would like us to add any other plugin compatibility for Challenges you may suggest us in the Apollo support discord below!
logo (3).png

Latest reviews

This license was given for free. What's this?
I wouldn't really call this plugin "Perfect!" but it is really good in some cases.

If you are looking for weekly quests that the players can do to maybe "uphold" something it would be really good!

The only reason why I am giving this 4 stars is because it doesn't have a wiki so you need a fair bit of experience if you are going to use this plugin.
We understand that though if you look at a number of other plugins, no wikis to be found there. It's what makes "Configurators" unique and still a bit difficult for some.
Really great plugin but would be great if you could reset/give players brand new challanges via command
This license was given for free. What's this?
This is one of the best plugins I have seen, fazal is one of the greatest developers out there!
Buy a license now
EULA: Standard EULA
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Apr 22, 2019 Published
Jun 21, 2019 Updated
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108.3 KB File size
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