25+ features - RNG System v1.2

A skript system for a RNG-type server.
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This is a skript that adds a system to your server that is reminiscent of a roblox RNG system. It is highly configurable, comes packed with a crazy amount of features, and the reload for this, the functionality of a server, only takes two seconds!
Note: This type of RNG system is a highly popularized type: Ranks RNG. You are able to roll ranks, equip them, sell them, and more!

Showcase Server
rngmc.minehut.gg -- Publicly available server using this system
(You will not get admin commands; you must message me for a different test server with OP)

Overview - Features (Does not include everything)

• Rank roller: In your inventory is an item called the "Rank Roller." On right click, you are able to start rolling a new rank. It will cycle through five random ones before ending up with the result. Every part of it can be changed, notably luck and roll speed, which can be boosted in various ways. When you roll, you can get something from any rarity, each with its own chance.

• Rarities: In the system, there are eight individual rarities: Common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic, divine and exclusive (of which is not obtainable through normal means). Each one has its own chance of being rolled, all of which can be changed in the config at the file's top. They each also have their own specialized color, making each stand out in their own way!

• Index: You are able to run /index or use the index item to open the index. Within the index, you can find a list of every existing rank. In each is information like its name, rarity, chance, how many you have, it's sell price, and more. They each have their own icons, set on creation, and they each are barriers if not owned. You can click any owned one to equip it. It is also ever expandable, meaning that the rows expand according to how many rolls there are. If there are 9 possible ones, there is one row, 18 will have two rows, and so on!

• Sell GUI: In the sell GUI, you see a list of your owned rolls, along with information you would see in the index. Clicking on owned rolls removes one from your owned rolls, and gives you money for it! It is also ever-expanding.

• Mining: There is also a custom mining system, where you can use an upgradeable pickaxe to mine ores for money! Mineable blocks are coal ore, iron ore, lapis ore, gold ore, emerald ore, and diamond ore. Each one requires a different tier pickaxe, has a different worth, and takes a different amount of time to regen, all of which is configurable. You start off with a tier 1 wooden pickaxe, and it is upgradeable for the material to be better and to get a new ore mineable.

• Upgrades: You are able to get upgrades in many different way. You can prestige to get luck and roll speed, upgrade your roller for roll speed, upgrade your pickaxe for more ores and faster mining, and more!

• Commands: There are tons of commands, ranging from being able to be used by normal players to admins only.



/sellall - Sells all sellable rolls in inventory. Does not include exclusive rolls.

/upgradepickaxe - Opens a GUI to upgrade your pickaxe.

/upgraderoller - Opens a GUI to upgrade your roller.

/prestige - Opens a GUI to prestige. Gives you +0.1x luck and roll speed per rebirth, as well as /autoroll and /autosell at 3 and 5 prestiges.

/help - Opens a help GUI.

/myranks - Tells you all your owned ranks.

/rank [text] - Equips the specified rank if you own it.

/index - Opens the index GUI.

/sell - Opens the sell GUI.

/stats - Tells you all of your stats.

/autoroll - Automatically rolls. Requires 3 prestiges.

/autosell - Automatically sells rolled ranks (works with autoroll). Requires 5 prestiges.

/balance - Tells you your coins. If you have essentials, /coins also works.


/resetplayer [player] - Resets a player. Good for if they bugged something in.

/guaranteeroll [player] [rarity] [amount] - Guarantees that a player will roll a certain rarity for their next (arg-3) rolls.

/addguaranteeroll [player] [amount] [amount] - Same as above, but adds to amount instead of setting.

/giveluck [player] [amount] - Gives the specified player the specified amount of luck. Is a percentage, not a times.

/giverollspeed [player] [amount] - Gives the specified player the specified amount of roll speed. 1 = +100%. 0.01 = +1%.

/giverank [player] [rank] - Makes the player roll. It will land on the specified rank.

/rsi - Resets your inventory besides a few items you spawn with.

/rollsof [player] - Lists the rolls of the specified player

/createroll [name] [rarity] [icon] [optional prefix] - Creates a rollable rank. Name: The name of the rank, as shown in index, rolling, sell gui, and more. Rarity: The rarity -- common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic, and exclusive (not rollable). Icon: What item it shows up as in the sell GUI and the index GUI for those who own it. Prefix: What color the prefix in the rank is; if not set, it will be the raity color.

/deleteroll [name] - Deletes the specified roll.

/clearrolls - Clears all rolls. You must run it twice as confirmation.

/listrolls - Lists all rolls.

/getcoins [number] - Gives you coins.

/givecoins [player] [number] - Gives the specified player the specified amount of coins.

At the top is a configuration that lets you configure anything important!

From line 2 to 7, you can set the chances for each rarity. Their chances are the numbers divided by 10. Note that they must all add up to 1000.

Lines 11 to 17 set the color associated with each rarity. This shows up in prefixes, the index, the sell gui, rolling, and more.
Line 19 to 25 set how many coins you get from selling each rarity.
Do not change line 27 or 33.
Line 34 is the item you use to make ores mineable.
Line 36 is how many coins you get from breaking each type of ore.

Line 37 is how many seconds it takes for each type of ore to regenerate.

Semi Showcase
You can view a video that showcases many (though not all) of the features here!
Want to test it for yourself? Join
rngmc.minehut.gg to test it out -- though no admin access.

Do not change any items (physical or in gui); if you wish to, contact me first. If you change them, it is very likely to break a few things throughout the skript!
This took me... drum roll... over a week! Purchases are extremely appreciated, and all of it goes to me being able to help others!
• Sales: This will have a 10% sale for a week! Additionally, for every purchase this gets, a +5% sale will start for 2 days (stacks!) (only if I can figure out how -- I'm new)

Contact Info
Want to get in touch with me? Here are some ways you can:
Message me on discord: deus_the_ninth

Open a conversation with me (conversations open)

Find me on Minehut (ing aswq)

Join Energy Studios discord server and ping me (link in my bio)

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EULA: Standard EULA
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Dec 9, 2024 Published
Dec 11, 2024 Updated
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