Discord server: https://discord.gg/D55929bKWg
Showcase Video:
Setup Video: https://youtu.be/e5nC5liE8Os
Dashboard Page:
The dashboard page shows the server uptime and the game owner’s username if valid. It also has some user-friendly pictures along with a welcome message for when the user opens the Admin panel.
Server Page:
The server page has all the server-related commands such as shutdown, restart, lock, announce, and time set. You can choose to either send your announcement globally (across all servers) or just to the server you are in. The shutdown command will kick all players in the server and tell them which shutdown the server. The restart command will teleport the players into a temporary lobby and then bring them back after the server has successfully restarted (this is good for updates). The time set command allows the admin to set the time of day to whatever they want between 1 and 24 (can be decimal). You simply type the number and press enter.
Players Page:
The player’s page has all the player-related commands on there which are: ban, unban, kick, warn, jail, unjail, teleport, bring, spectate, kill, fly, and unfly. The ban command allows you to set a reason and time length for the ban, (you can just put Perm for a permanent ban). The warn command allows you to set a warning reason and that player will get alerted of the fact they have just been warned. Admins can use the ‘check warns’ button to see how many warnings a player has and which admin made the warning along with a timestamp. The jail command will put the player in a simple jail that they cannot get out of. This command would be best to use to stop a player running off when an admin is talking to them. The teleport and bring commands are simple, you can choose to either go to a player or bring that player to you. The fly command allows you to either fly other players or to fly yourself, if you fly yourself then you get a stop-flying button instead of having to do it manually on the admin panel.
Chat and Admin logs
Chat messages get sent to the chatlogs page in which Admins can view the contents of messages, the person who sent them, and what time they got sent. Admin commands when executed will be sent to the admin logs page so other admins can see if someone performs a server action such as changing the time or a player action such as kicking a player.
Showcase Video:
Setup Video: https://youtu.be/e5nC5liE8Os
Dashboard Page:
The dashboard page shows the server uptime and the game owner’s username if valid. It also has some user-friendly pictures along with a welcome message for when the user opens the Admin panel.
Server Page:
The server page has all the server-related commands such as shutdown, restart, lock, announce, and time set. You can choose to either send your announcement globally (across all servers) or just to the server you are in. The shutdown command will kick all players in the server and tell them which shutdown the server. The restart command will teleport the players into a temporary lobby and then bring them back after the server has successfully restarted (this is good for updates). The time set command allows the admin to set the time of day to whatever they want between 1 and 24 (can be decimal). You simply type the number and press enter.
Players Page:
The player’s page has all the player-related commands on there which are: ban, unban, kick, warn, jail, unjail, teleport, bring, spectate, kill, fly, and unfly. The ban command allows you to set a reason and time length for the ban, (you can just put Perm for a permanent ban). The warn command allows you to set a warning reason and that player will get alerted of the fact they have just been warned. Admins can use the ‘check warns’ button to see how many warnings a player has and which admin made the warning along with a timestamp. The jail command will put the player in a simple jail that they cannot get out of. This command would be best to use to stop a player running off when an admin is talking to them. The teleport and bring commands are simple, you can choose to either go to a player or bring that player to you. The fly command allows you to either fly other players or to fly yourself, if you fly yourself then you get a stop-flying button instead of having to do it manually on the admin panel.
Chat and Admin logs
Chat messages get sent to the chatlogs page in which Admins can view the contents of messages, the person who sent them, and what time they got sent. Admin commands when executed will be sent to the admin logs page so other admins can see if someone performs a server action such as changing the time or a player action such as kicking a player.