• A new small update but useful.
- Added custom holograms refresh interval.
- Fixed a bug in the last update.. the auto config.yml generator was missing the hologramsList value.
- You either add this value to the config.yml or delete the config.yml file and let it generate again.
Code:[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=#4d4dff][COLOR=#404040] hologramsrefresh: '5' # in seconds - NOTE: using 1 second might lag your server if there is a lot of players.
» And as always have a wonderful day.
• A Major update to fix holograms server restart bug.
- Fixed 'holograms doesn't exist' after server restart console message (spam).
» As always enjoy your day and don't forget to rate the plugin
• A couple new features to the live holograms blocks.
- Added /pi holo addline - you must be looking at a live holo block. (to add a new line to a live holo block)
- Added /pi holo removeline <Line number> - you must be looking at a live holo block. (to remove a specific line from a live holo block)
- Added /pi holo setline <line number> - you must be looking at a live holo block. (to edit a specific line of a live holo block)
- Added /pi holo lines - you must be looking at a live holo block. (to get how many lines the targeted live holo block has)
» If you have any suggestions you want me to add please tell me about them in a PM or in the discussion section.
» Don't forget to support me by leaving a good review if you don't mind.
• This is a small update with a couple new stuff.
- Added '/pi holo list' to show a list of all created live holograms. (permission: playerinfo.hologram.list)
- Added some else statments to tell you what you are missing in some actions (like when you do '/pi holo up' while you are not looking at a live holo block a message will show up.)
» Enjoy your day.
• This is a major update with a lot of new stuff & fixes.
» Change log in pictures is better than here and easier ↓
» Enjoy your day.
» If you have any questions feel free to PM me at any time.
• Fixed a few bugs and optimized the code a little bit.
- Fixed reset message. (Removed the debug message)
- Fixed all messages that already had the prefix included. (now you must add [p] before the messages in config.yml)
- Added if argument 2 of '/pi reset' is not set.. will show correct usage message.
- Fixed no permissions message wasn't editable.
• NOTE: If Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI didn't work even if you downloaded the expansion you must set PlaceholderAPI to true in skellett plugin's config.yml (plugins/skellett/config.yml -> PlaceholderAPI : true).
» Enjoy your day.
• Bug: I don't know if anyone was encountering this problem before when using this plugin, but when I recently used it on my multicraft test server I saw that folders and directions aren't working because in the latest updates I changed the folder direction (path) from '../../..' to '..\\..\\..' and it seems that it's not working on mutlicraft servers! (Now it's fixed)
• Some New Features.
- Fixed Folders/Files/Direction path (Wasn't working on multicraft servers and maybe other online hosting servers)
- Fixed 'Last Kill' lore bug.
- Fixed 'Locked items' lore bug.
- Added reset (player|all) command.
- Fixed all lore bugs (Now you can use ' and ' and ', ' in any lore/message)
» Enjoy your day.
• This is just a small update.
- Added '/pi check' to check for new updates.
- That's it just a small update.
» Please enjoy with my plugin ♥