• This is just a small update.
- Fixed on load update check permission (not using the correct permission)
- Added on join update check
» Enjoy using my plugin
• Version: 1.3.2
• We've just added more than 4000 new placeholders. YAY!
• This is a small update but with amazing new features
» New Features:
• Added PlaceholderAPI support.
• Added placeholders.yml file.
• There is some important notes in placeholders.yml file make sure you check it.
• Do not use custom names (in placeholders.yml) that are already used in PlayerInfo custom variables like [player-name] or [player-ping] because this will break the variable.
• Since we added PlaceholderAPI support, you can use statistic placeholders instead of [player-breakcount] [player-placecount] etc, it's better because these placeholders (statistic's palceholders) gives you the player's information from his first join until now.
• Make sure to execute '/pi reload' after you edit placeholder.yml file.
• If you use any placeholder in the GUI and it didn't work, then make sure that you've downloaded the placeholder expansion and reloaded PlaceholderAPI plugin.
» Have a nice day everyone and enjoy with my plugin