- Voice Chat Timer
- Ignore Muted & Deafened users
- Minimum Required Users In Vc
- Voice Time Roles
- Message Counter
- Message Count Roles
- Advanced Profile Command
- Advanced Invites Support
- Advanced Boosters Support
- Ticket Counter
- 24 Hour Ticket Stats
- 7 Days Ticket Stats
- 30 Days Ticket Stats
- All Time Ticket Stats
- Ticket Close Counter
- Tickets Spoken Counter
- top <messages/vc> - shop top mixed or seperated messages and vc time
- msgtop - show top messages
- vctop - show top vc time
- profile - see your vc time and message count
- ticketstats - see a users ticketstats (May be laggy/slow)
Discord: https://corebot.dev/developers/59L
Corebot: https://www.mc-market.org/resources/8501/
This version comes obfuscated. If you are interested in buying the source code please open a ticket in our discord.