AdvancedSounds: This plugin currently supports Death Events, Join Events, Quit Events & Player Hit Events this plugin is highly advanced and configurable you can set certain sounds for players and the events this plugin has a advanced configuration method coded directly into it making your life easier instead of reload after editing the config you can simply change what ever you would like then hit save that's all you have to do no need to do /reload anymore. You can even disable the events in the config that you choose of course.
I will rarely be updating this plugin find the most up to date version here: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/advancedsounds.4069/
I will rarely be updating this plugin find the most up to date version here: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/advancedsounds.4069/
PlayerHitSound: BLAZE_HIT
PlayerDeathSound: CAT_HISS
PlayerItemPickupSound: LEVEL_UP
BroadcastJoinMessage: '&6&lThis is a default join message welcome! Change me in config!'
BroadcastQuitMessage: '&6&lThis is a default quitmessage goodbye! Change me in config!'
PlayerJoinSoundToggle: true
PlayerQuitSoundToggle: true
PlayerHitSoundToggle: false
PlayerDeathSoundToggle: false
PlayerItemPickupSoundToggle: true
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