AutoMiner is a fully automatic mining plugin for your users to use when AFK!
What it allows:
- Setup AutoMiners with WorldGuard Regions
- Block commands when in a miner (bypassed with autominer.admin)
- Use signs for autominers
- Player uses their own pick for breaking blocks physically, but automatically
What it doesn't do:
- Reset mines
- Automatically activate on region enter
PlaceholderAPI Support
WARNING: Anti-Cheat plugins MIGHT block the plugin from working! Make sure to check your settings to allow AutoMiner to work! (If you use NCP it is the reach check on blocks)
What it allows:
- Setup AutoMiners with WorldGuard Regions
- Block commands when in a miner (bypassed with autominer.admin)
- Use signs for autominers
- Player uses their own pick for breaking blocks physically, but automatically
What it doesn't do:
- Reset mines
- Automatically activate on region enter
/autominer create <name> <region> -- Creates an autominer for the region
/autominer delete <miner> -- Creates an autominer for the region
/autominer settp <miner> -- Sets the TP location for a miner
/autominer setsign <miner> -- Sets the sign location for a miner
/autominer delsign <miner> -- Deletes the sign for a miner
/autominer send <player> <miner> -- Sends a player to a miner
/autominer removefrom <player> -- Removes a player from a miner
/autominer addtime <player> <time> -- Adds time to a player. (Time example: 5d2h1m5s = 5 days, 2 hours, 1 minute, and 5 seconds.)
/autominer deltime <player> <time> -- Removes time from a player
/autominer list -- Lists all AutoMiners
/autominer reload -- Reloads Configs
All above commands require the permission autominer.admin
/miner leave - Leaves the current miner
/miner time - Checks how much time you have left
/autominer delete <miner> -- Creates an autominer for the region
/autominer settp <miner> -- Sets the TP location for a miner
/autominer setsign <miner> -- Sets the sign location for a miner
/autominer delsign <miner> -- Deletes the sign for a miner
/autominer send <player> <miner> -- Sends a player to a miner
/autominer removefrom <player> -- Removes a player from a miner
/autominer addtime <player> <time> -- Adds time to a player. (Time example: 5d2h1m5s = 5 days, 2 hours, 1 minute, and 5 seconds.)
/autominer deltime <player> <time> -- Removes time from a player
/autominer list -- Lists all AutoMiners
/autominer reload -- Reloads Configs
All above commands require the permission autominer.admin
/miner leave - Leaves the current miner
/miner time - Checks how much time you have left
PlaceholderAPI Support
%autominer_timeLeft% - Gets the amount of time the user has left
%autominer_timeLeft_raw% - Gets the raw amount of seconds the user has left
%autominer_timeLeft:<miner>% - Gets the amount of time left if somebody is in a miner
%autominer_is_available:<miner>% - Gets the status of a miner
%autominer_get_user:<miner>% - Gets the player's name if somebody is in a miner
%autominer_timeLeft_raw% - Gets the raw amount of seconds the user has left
%autominer_timeLeft:<miner>% - Gets the amount of time left if somebody is in a miner
%autominer_is_available:<miner>% - Gets the status of a miner
%autominer_get_user:<miner>% - Gets the player's name if somebody is in a miner
WARNING: Anti-Cheat plugins MIGHT block the plugin from working! Make sure to check your settings to allow AutoMiner to work! (If you use NCP it is the reach check on blocks)