Bottled Experience/Money WithDraw
Withdraw xp to XpBottle.
Withdraw money to CasNote.
Formatted amount for values on item.
Data stored as NBT tags
Grate configuration options.
Soon more new things.
We accept suggestion
If you will be adding withdraw items to Kits ,Koth or something similar your plugin need to support NBT data storing
Download jar file put to your Plugins folder.
Money withdraw has dependency for economy plugin like
EssentialsX and Vault.
After that you can run your server and set up you config files and you are good to go.
- /BeastWithdraw - Info Command.
- /XpBottle <xp>/all - Transfer Xp to Bottle.
- /XpBottle <xp> <player> - Admin can give Xp Bottle to player.
- /XpBottle <xp> <player> <amount> - Admin can give Xp Bottle to player.
- /Withdraw <money>/all - Withdraw money on paper.
- /Withdraw <money> <player> - Admin can give Money Paper to player.
- /Withdraw <money> <player> <amount> - Admin can give Money Paper to player.
- BeastWithdraw.XpBottle - Permission to use /XpBottle
- BeastWithdraw.CashNote - Permission to use /Withdraw
- BeastWithdraw.admin - Permission to use Staff Commands.
- BeastWithdraw.drop - Permission to Drop Xp to bottle on Death.