Night with this plugin is faster and animated. Every 5 seconds moon is skip over 1000 ticks. (You can edit time and ticks in config). Night is long 1 minute default. Players need to go sleep, if they start sleeping they can’t leave bed until will be morning.
If player don’t sleep, plugin will start count how many days player don’t sleep. More days player don’t sleep, more dangerous things will do. If player don’t sleep 10 days he will be killed. So realistic! Players days data are in Database. In this time there is only MySQL but soon there will be more options to save data. In this time MySQL IS NEEDED!
If player don’t sleep one more nights, every day they will have some events. More days without sleep, more dangerous events are activated. Events are activated in days after time in config. So events can be called before night or on lunch. It is up to you.Night Animation
When player go sleep late
When player go sleep normal
Command: /bn reset <player>
Command: /bn stats

When player go sleep late

When player go sleep normal

Command: /bn reset <player>

Command: /bn stats

1. Day -> Player got warning message
2. Day -> Player got warning message
3. Day -> Basic Blindness
4. Day -> Basic Nausea
5. Day -> Blindness & Wither Shots Sounds
6. Day -> Gamemode Adventure for 5 Minutes
7. Day -> Spawning mobs
8. Day -> 4 Hearts & Strong and long Blindness
9. Day -> Strong and Long Nausea & Full Inventory Drop
10. Day -> Player kill
/bn -> Show all commands
/bn stats -> Show players days without sleep
/bn stats <player> -> Show target player days without sleep (requiring betternight.admin permission)
/bn reset <player> -> Reset target player days without sleep (requiring betternight.admin permission)
betternight.admin -> Permission for admin commands
If you have some problems & questions or ideas to improve this plugin, you are open to join this DISCORD. Every ideas or bug report is welcome. Already on discord you can find some news and info what you don´t find on Spigot.
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