BoxPvP Retrobox | Retro Theme 0

boxpvp map theme retro
  • Captura de pantalla (851).png
  • Captura de pantalla (851).png
  • Captura de pantalla (853).png
  • Captura de pantalla (851).png
  • Captura de pantalla (851).png
  • Captura de pantalla (853).png
BoxPvP Map of theme retro to make servers!

One boxpvp map of retro theme.
In this product is included 1 maps to make boxpvp servers with an economical price.

What does these maps include?

-1 map

- Central mines

- One spawn with crates zone and trade zone

- More than 15 mines at the walls inside the map

- One Initial Mine

- Pixelarts included

- The entire interior of the box decorated with the retro theme

What can you do with this product?

- Use it for your server

- Configure it

It is totally forbidden to redistribute or resell it.

Write me if you need any help!

Captura de pantalla (851).png

Captura de pantalla (853).png

Captura de pantalla (846).png

Captura de pantalla (849).png

Captura de pantalla (855).png

Captura de pantalla (858).png

Captura de pantalla (860).png

+1 space for one more mine or your server logo!

Captura de pantalla (864).png

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I have added you as a friend in discord. If you are not a friend, I cannot send you a private message. If possible, could you please give me an archived zip file?
Hello! I already send you the schematic, I only have that format you can upload it to your server with worldedit plugin.
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Duration: 4 months ($2.00 renewal) EULA: Standard EULA
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7 Purchases
Sep 8, 2023 Published
Oct 15, 2023 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
351.3 KB File size
  1. Arena
Game mode
  1. BoxPVP
  1. Seasonal
  2. Arcade
Supported versions
  1. 1.17
  2. 1.18
  3. 1.19
  4. 1.20
File format
  1. Schematic
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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7 purchases
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Amazing High detailed Lobby surrounded by water | Spawn, 5x Place for NPC's, 2x Place for Crates
5.00 star(s) 9 ratings
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Amazing Lobby Yellow Village with size of 150x150. SpawnPoint, 5x Place for NPC's & Portal...
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420 purchases
Amazing Medieval Lobby surrounded by water | SpawnPoint, Portal, 5x Place for NPC's
5.00 star(s) 9 ratings
320 purchases
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Refer this resource and earn a 10% commission.
7 Purchases
Sep 8, 2023 Published
Oct 15, 2023 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
351.3 KB File size
  1. Arena
Game mode
  1. BoxPVP
  1. Seasonal
  2. Arcade
Supported versions
  1. 1.17
  2. 1.18
  3. 1.19
  4. 1.20
File format
  1. Schematic
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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Not yet rated
7 purchases
boxpvp map theme amazing world of gumball
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Amazing High detailed Lobby surrounded by water | Spawn, 5x Place for NPC's, 2x Place for Crates
5.00 star(s) 9 ratings
460 purchases
Amazing Lobby Yellow Village with size of 150x150. SpawnPoint, 5x Place for NPC's & Portal...
5.00 star(s) 31 ratings
420 purchases
Amazing Medieval Lobby surrounded by water | SpawnPoint, Portal, 5x Place for NPC's
5.00 star(s) 9 ratings
320 purchases