BruiserSystems Zeus Gamemaster V.3
AI can be set a patrol pathway
40 Variations of AI types
AI can be set to crouch, stand or lay down
Can have 50+ AI without any lag
Set teams for AI and set to attack enemy factions
Configure enemy reaction time, damage, fire-rate, health
AI can have snipers, rifles and burst weapons
AI detect fire and fire back
AI can be selected
Set detection ranges etc
Bruiser Compatible Features (In progress)
AI can be stunned with a taser/beanbag shotgun and ziptied
AI can be carried
AI can be set a patrol pathway
40 Variations of AI types
AI can be set to crouch, stand or lay down
Can have 50+ AI without any lag
Set teams for AI and set to attack enemy factions
Configure enemy reaction time, damage, fire-rate, health
AI can have snipers, rifles and burst weapons
AI detect fire and fire back
AI can be selected
Set detection ranges etc
Bruiser Compatible Features (In progress)
AI can be stunned with a taser/beanbag shotgun and ziptied
AI can be carried