I made a small bungeecord and fake lobby package and presented it to you. You don't need to configure plugins or settings for hours, everything is ready.
PaperSpigot and BungeeCord.jars have been deleted because the file was corrupted when compressed.
I made a small bungeecord and fake lobby package and presented it to you. You don't need to configure plugins or settings for hours, everything is ready.
- AntiBot - Protect your server from bots.
- SafeNet - Protect your server from exploiters.
- AntiPopup - No chat report and Popup,
- PL-Hide | All free versions have a paid channel and are disallowed.
- TAB | All free versions have a paid channel and are disallowed.
- and more in our server setup
PaperSpigot and BungeeCord.jars have been deleted because the file was corrupted when compressed.