Open menu: F2
Fly: N
Any criticism/bugs/suggestions are welcome.
Fly: N
Any criticism/bugs/suggestions are welcome.
local _ = {}
-- made by NeDIAD, Discord: @nediad, Telegram: @notdiad
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-- ^ Credits, dont remove this PLS!
-- if you in roblox studio, click play -> server -> explorer -> players -> you -> store name -> group, and change value
-- if you in roblox, click F9, select server and execute this "game.Players['YOUR NICKNAME']['STORE NAME'].group.Value = 1", 1 = Needed group.
_.settings = {
bhop_version = '[email protected]:public-branch', -- Version of script
storeName = 'bunnyhop', -- Name for datastore & data folder in player
store = { -- Variables in store
group = { -- new variable
class = 'IntValue', -- Class for variable (Bool, int, string, number.. value)
name = 'group', -- Name for variable
value = 0 -- Default value
groups = {
-- Permission list
--'bunnyhop.menu', 'bunnyhop.workspace', 'bunnyhop.workspace.players', 'bunnyhop.manageplayers', 'bunnyhop.kickplayers', 'bunnyhop.banplayers', 'bunnyhop.workspace.console', 'bunnyhop.console.server', 'bunnyhop.console.client', 'bunnyhop.workspace.profile', 'bunnyhop.workspace.tools', 'bunnyhop.tools.f3x', 'bunnyhop.fly
[1] = { -- 1 = Priority (Need to disallow players kick other players when his group equal or smaller than target)
name = 'Test group', -- Display name for group (Not used for 0.1#beta), EDIT: Now uses in profile :)
perms = {'bunnyhop.menu', 'bunnyhop.workspace', 'bunnyhop.workspace.players', 'bunnyhop.manageplayers', 'bunnyhop.kickplayers', 'bunnyhop.banplayers', 'bunnyhop.workspace.console', 'bunnyhop.console.server', 'bunnyhop.console.client', 'bunnyhop.workspace.profile', 'bunnyhop.workspace.tools', 'bunnyhop.tools.f3x', 'bunnyhop.fly'}, -- Permissions
ban_duration = -1 -- Max ban duration in minutes, -1 to allow ban for inf.
[0] = { -- 0 priority
name = 'Default group',
perms = {},
ban_duration = 0
dev = false, -- Enable warns, need to development.
connection_lost = true, -- Connection lost screen when user kicked.
creator_all_perms = false, -- Place creator will have all permissions & highest priority
permitted_users = { -- Will give highest by priority group for mentioned userIds
-- UserId, AnotherUserId
tools = {
f3x = {
cid = 'f3x', -- CID
perm = 'bunnyhop.tools.f3x', -- if false then perm will be "bunnyhop.workspace.tools"
name = 'F3X', -- Display name
path = game.ServerStorage.bunnyhop_storage.tools.f3x, -- Path to tool
icon = 'rbxassetid://13538210267', -- Display icon
if _.settings.dev then -- bunnyhop / баннихоп / банніхоп / Saut de lapin / 66 117 110 110 121 104 111 112
warn('Made by NotDIAD - Made by NeDIAD')
warn(' 66 117 110 110 121 104 111 112 ')
warn('Disable devmode to hide dev warns')
warn(' <3, ♥, ♡, ❤, ❥, ❣, ❦, ❧')
local service = game:GetService('DataStoreService')
local dss = service:GetDataStore(_.settings.storeName)
function _.isdev() return _.settings.dev end
function _.group(data) return data.target[_.settings.storeName]['group'].Value end
function _.ngroup(data) return _.settings.groups[data.target[_.settings.storeName]['group'].Value].name end
function _.tools() return _.settings.tools end
if _.settings.dev then warn('bunnyhop.debug: version: '.. _.settings.bhop_version) end
return _