ChunkBusters | Clear Chunks with Ease! v1.0.1

Allow players to remove chunks of land with one click!
New Project.png
ChunkBusters is a plugin made to allow players to remove a chunk of blocks with one click of a button. This plugin offers many features, such as:
  • Factions (FactionsUUID), WorldGuard, and Vault integration.
  • Confirmation/Options GUI (Choose which y-levels to bust).
  • Stop water/lava flowing into busted chunk.
  • Use Vault to set cost with using Chunk Busters.
  • All features are configurable. See config.yml below.

This plugin is open-source. If you choose to make your own modifications, I ask that you make a PR on the project with your changes.

/chunkbusters (aliases: cb, chunkbuster).
  • /cb give <player> <amount> - Give a player an amount of Chunk Busters.
  • /cb help - Display help menu.

  • chunkbusters.admin.give - /cb give <player> <amount>
  • /cb help (admin version)
  • /cb help (user version)
  • chunkbusters.use - Use a ChunkBuster

# These values make up the chunk buster item
    name: "&5&l[ &e&lCHUNK BUSTER &5&l]"
    glow: true
      - "&7Place this block in the chunk"
      - "&7that you wish to bust."

# This is how much is costs to use a chunk buster
# (Note: This relies on Vault)
ecoCost: 500.00

# This is how long it takes for a chunk buster to go off (in seconds)
chunkBustDelay: 5

# These blocks will not be destroyed by a chunk buster
  - "BEACON"
  - "CHEST"
  - "HOPPER"

# This is the configuration that represents the GUI
# that appears when a chunk buster is placed.
  title: "&aConfirm ChunkBust"
  size: 27
      item: FEATHER
      slot: 11
      name: "&bBust All Levels"
        - "&7Click here to destroy ALL"
        - "&7y-levels in this chunk."
      item: WOODEN_SHOVEL
      slot: 13
      name: "&bBust Lower Levels"
        - "&7Click here to destroy blocks in this chunk, at"
        - "&7the y-level this buster was placed at and below."
      item: BARRIER
      slot: 15
      name: "&cCancel"
      lore: {}
      name: " "
      lore: {}

# If this is set to "true", every block in the chunk will be checked for WG claims
# Note: If a chunk buster is placed in a chunk the player cannot build in, it will be blocked regardless of what this is set as.
# This is only useful if you might have WG regions that might be incomplete chunks OR not sky to bedrock
extraWorldGuardCheck: true

# Set this to true to prevent Chunk Busters from being placed if another player is in the same chunk
blockIfOtherPlayersInChunk: true

  # Prevent chunk busting in "wilderness"
  blockWilderness: true
  # Minimum role to chunk bust in faction territory.
  # Possible roles are: ADMIN, COLEADER, MODERATOR, NORMAL, and RECRUIT.
  minimumRoleRequired: MODERATOR

# Sent to players use a command/perform an action without permission
noPermission: "&c&lSorry&7, you don't have permission for this."

# Sent to a command sender who tries to use a command with an invalid integer argument
mustBeNumber: "&c&lSorry&7, you must specify the amount to give!"

# Sent when the target player is invalid
invalidPlayer: "&7Cannot find player: &c%player%&7."

# Sent when a player cannot afford to use a chunk buster
insufficientFunds: "&c&lSorry&7, using a chunkbuster costs &c$%cost%&7."

# Sent to a player that tries to use a chunk buster in a chunk another player is in
playersInChunk: "&c&lSorry&7, there appear to be other players in this chunk!"

# Sent to a player who tries to use a chunk buster somewhere that they can't build.
cannotBuildHere: "&c&lSorry&7, you can't use a Chunk Buster here."

# Sent to a command sender who uses /cb give
# %player% = the target player, %amount% = the amount of chunk busters
gaveChunkBusters: "&7You've given &c%amount%x &5&l[ &e&lCHUNK BUSTER &5&l] &7to &c%player%&7."

# Sent to a player who receives chunk busters via /cb give
# %amount% = the amount of chunk busters
receivedChunkBusters: "&7You've received &c%amount%x &5&l[ &e&lCHUNK BUSTER &5&l]&7."

# Sent to a player after they click the "bust all levels" button
bustAllLevels: "&7Busting &call y-levels &7in this chunk in &c%seconds% &7seconds."

# Sent to a player after they click the "bust below levels" button
bustBelowLevels: "&7Busting &cy-levels %y% and below &7in this chunk in &c%seconds% &7seconds."

# Sent when a player closes the chunk buster GUI
closeGUI: "&7You've closed the ChunkBuster menu."

# Sent to a player who tries to use a chunk buster without sufficient faction rank
# IF factions is enabled and a player tries to use a chunk buster in their own territory
# they must have the specified faction rank or above.
factionsNeedHigherRank: "&c&lSorry&7, you must be at least &c%rank% &7to chunkbust here."

# Help menu sent to players with permission:
  - "&7>> &e&lChunk Busters &7<<"
  - "&f/cb give &c<player> <amount> &7- Give a player x amount of chunk busters."
  - " "
  - "&fHow to use a chunk buster &7- Place a chunk buster item down in a chunk."
  - "&7if you have access to chunk bust there, you will see a GUI with your options."

# Help menu sent to players with permission:
  - "&7>> &e&lChunk Busters &7<<"
  - "&fHow to use a chunk buster &7- Place a chunk buster item down in a chunk."
  - "&7if you have access to chunk bust there, you will see a GUI with your options."


None of these plugins are required in order for this to work, but ChunkBusters is integrated with all of them.
Want support for more land protection plugins? Just ask. by TR/15386

Enjoy the resource? Feel free to donate.
EULA: Standard EULA
Jun 5, 2022 Published
Jun 5, 2022 Updated
Not yet rated
42.6 KB File size
  1. World
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.14
  2. 1.15
  3. 1.16
  4. 1.17
  5. 1.18
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Jun 5, 2022 Published
Jun 5, 2022 Updated
Not yet rated
42.6 KB File size
  1. World
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.14
  2. 1.15
  3. 1.16
  4. 1.17
  5. 1.18
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#3 BuiltByBit Plugin ~ Protects your server from crash packet exploits ~ Folia Support
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Elite formatting and filtering plugin. Can replace 200+ plugins. High-performance. Folia supported.
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High Performance | Customizable | Cross-Version | GeyserMC | Folia Support
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