This is main CoinShop menu, which contains total 12 categories: Ranks, Chat Colors, Perks, Backpacks, Crate Keys, Hearts, Particle Effects, Pets, Emotes, Minions, Claim Blocks and Tags.
This is example of a Coinshop categories, In the picture below you can see Emotes and Crate Keys categories. You can see if a player already owns an item, then he will not be able to purchase it again.
This is example of cosmetics menu, There are three categories in it: Particles, Pets and Emotes. Players will only be able to equip an item if they already bought it from coinshop.
All the plugins that are used in this Configuration. They are already in the config folder you don't have to install the separately.
DeluxeMenus: [FREE]
PlayerPoints: [FREE]
PlaceholderAPI: [FREE]
EssentialsX: [FREE]
LuckPerms: [FREE]
Vault: [FREE]
Gsit: [FREE]
MinePacks: [FREE]
LifeSteal SMP Plugin: [FREE]
GriefPrevention: [FREE]
Ultra Cosmetics: [FREE]
EZColors: [FREE]
Eglows: [FREE]
Excellent Crates: [FREE]
DeluxeTags: [FREE]
Protocolib: [FREE]
Nexengine: [FREE]
By purchasing this resource, you automatically agree to the Terms of Services