This is a skript that automatically replants crops. Player's can toggle the replantation of each crop respectively. Crops+ also tracks crops that the player has regrown. If the player doesn't have the proper crop in inventory, it will not be replanted [For example, if the player doesn't have a carrot when breaking carrot plants, it will not be replanted as no carrot can be taken from the inventory]
Video Showcase
Commands & Permissions
Permission: crops.use
Description: Tracks stats, toggles auto-replanting of crops, this would include: carrots, wheat, potatoes, beetroot & nether wart
/crops help
Permission: none
Description: Shows the help menu (only the /crops command)
/crops admin
Permission: crops.admin
Description: Shows the admin help menu,
only if the player has the crops.admin permission, otherwise only shows the usage for /crops
/crops version
Permission: crops.admin
Description: Shows the plugin version
/crops reload
Permission: crops.admin
Description: Reloads the plugin
Video Showcase
- Stats Tracking
- Automatic replant of wheat, potatoes, carrots, beetroot & nether wart
- User-Friendly GUI
- Lightweight
- Seperate permissions for each individual crop
- Highly customizable
- Great feature for skyblock, survival, factions servers
- Active Support (DM here on spigot or add me on Discord (Din#9411))
Commands & Permissions
Permission: crops.use
Description: Tracks stats, toggles auto-replanting of crops, this would include: carrots, wheat, potatoes, beetroot & nether wart

crops.wheat - Permission for player to enable/disable wheat replant
crops.potato - Permission for player to enable/disable potato replant
crops.carrot - Permission for player to enable/disable carrot replant
crops.beetroot - Permission for player to enable/disable beetroot replant
crops.netherwart - Permission for player to enable/disable nether wart replant
crops.all - Permission for player to replant all crops
crops.potato - Permission for player to enable/disable potato replant
crops.carrot - Permission for player to enable/disable carrot replant
crops.beetroot - Permission for player to enable/disable beetroot replant
crops.netherwart - Permission for player to enable/disable nether wart replant
crops.all - Permission for player to replant all crops
/crops help
Permission: none
Description: Shows the help menu (only the /crops command)

/crops admin
Permission: crops.admin
Description: Shows the admin help menu,

only if the player has the crops.admin permission, otherwise only shows the usage for /crops

/crops version
Permission: crops.admin
Description: Shows the plugin version
/crops reload
Permission: crops.admin
Description: Reloads the plugin