Have you ever wanted to make custom items that players can craft? Well now is your chance. You can now make XP bottles Craftable or even Dragon Eggs Craftable. You can add unsafe enchantments and multiple of them if you want.
Using this Method will look Like this.
Item: 278 #Item Id
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick' #Name of the Item and you can use Color Codes
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe' #The Lore in the Item and it can be Many Lines
- 'DURABILITY:300' #All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want
- 'EEE' #First Line in the Crafting Table
- 'XIX' #Second Line in the Crafting Table
- 'XIX' #Third Line in the Crafting Table
# You can choose your own letters for the Ingredients But make sure to keep this format <Ingredient Initial>:<ItemId>
# X Stands for Air but do not include that in the Ingredients.
- 'E:388' # E Stands for Emerald or 388 in the Crafting Table.
- 'I:265' # I Stands for Iron Ingot or 265 in the Crafting Table.