Enhance your Minecraft server's chat experience with DeepChatChannels, a versatile and feature-rich plugin that brings a new dimension to communication. Customize your chat channels, change your chat color, and create a unique environment for players to connect and engage.

Whether your server is all about immersive roleplay, community events, or casual conversations, DeepChatChannels empowers you to create a unique chat environment that reflects your server's identity. Add a splash of color and excitement to your players' conversations with this essential plugin!
Global Chat:
Local Chat:
Commands help
Color List (the list goes on but there are too many colors to show up):

# Configuration for DeepChatChannels plugin
# Global Chat Channel Configuration
format: "&a[Global] &d[%player&d] &e> &e%message"
color_changer: true # Allow players to change their chat color
color_player: "3" # Default player color
# Local Chat Channel Configuration
format: '&a[Local] &d[%player] > &e%message'
radius: 50.0 # Distance in blocks
# turn on/off chat channels
global: true
local: true
# messages configuration
color_changed: "Your chat color has been changed."
invalid_color: "Invalid color type."
no_color_changer_permission: "You do not have permission to change your chat color."
wrong_channel: "You must be in the global chat channel to change your chat color."
- "red"
- "green"
- "blue"
- "yellow"
- "aqua"
- "gold"
- "gray"
- "dark_red"
- "dark_green"
- "dark_blue"
- "dark_aqua"
- "dark_gray"
- "light_purple"
- "dark_purple"
- "white"
- "black"
channel_not_available: "The selected channel is not available."
channel_selected: "You've selected the %channel chat channel."
only_players: "Only players can use this command."
unknown_command: "Unknown command. Use /dcc help for a list of commands."
reload_successful: "DeepChatChannels has been reloaded."
# turn on/off the plugin
enabled: true