Highly Editable - You can easily change the colors of the text, or material's in the GUI.
Clean - The configuration has no excess mess and is completely clean as things can go, I have put countless time into making it look neat and professional.
Unlimited Updates -You pay once and you get all updates for free download.
Support - You can contact us at anytime, we will answer your request within 2-8 hours.
Price - We do spend a lot of time doing these configurations, but our main focus is cheap and affordable.
Trusted Seller - I've owned many servers within the MC Community, very reputable within the community.
Download includes:
- DeluxeMenu .Jar
- DeluxeMenu Configuration
- Token Enchant Configuration
Extensions Needed:
TokenEnchant Plugin
If you have any problems or you need support, then contact me here, or on discord at PandaOG#9078 anytime: