Detailed Chateau Survival Mansion v1.19.2+

Survival Residence
    • 2022-11-26_23.14.10.png
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Version: 1.19.2+

Resource Pack: Alacrity (Simplistic, performance friendly, beautiful)

Shader: Complimentary Shaders (A new favorite)

Mods: None (Plugins = WorldEdit and Optifine)

Architectural Style: Renaissance to late 19th century classical/chateau

Schematic? Roger!

Viable for survival? Exclusively so, with all menu toggles

Premium builds cost? 3-5 bucks for painstaking builds catered for survival, and a stack of free builds on the side

Short Description:

Ever wanted to have a Château-style build with literally everything you need for survival pre-journey? Well, I've got your back.
My latest build features a depth that checks all the nuances between visuals and function without taxing your machine.
Alacrity seamlessly clipped the final puzzle in place with a beautiful touch that surprised even a guy who juggles with a plethora of texture packs to find a perfect match for a particular building style. This RP did the trick, with the assurance that it will work for you as well.

Detailed description:

It becomes brutally obvious that my fondness for older architecture is apparent and preferred. This build steered that fondness towards the right direction I'm prompted to believe. Initially intended to be a haunted house with dark elements, I decided to clear the atmosphere with a more balanced approach; variants in soft to dark colors, with a very complex interior and exterior output. Instead of dragging out the details, let's summarize the composition of the build, thus-

Building Composition:

  • 17 uniquely furnished rooms
  • 6 restrooms
  • 3 kitchens
  • 3 Bars
  • 2 Indoor dining areas
  • 1 Counsel room
  • 2 storage rooms
  • 3 roof vantage points
  • 3 Balconies
  • Village a few leaps away
  • Massive underground cave systems
  • Workshop
  • Various lounging areas
  • Large swimming pool
  • Old ruin attachment for mystery and wonder
  • Large indoor nursery under grow lights and hypothetical fans (Beet, carrots, wheat, berries, pumpkins)
  • Interconnected access to all areas
  • And a ton of small details for immersion, set on a survival world

I also reconstructed the build in a pure vanilla form for those who want to use the map without any Texture Packs. So, you'll have the original Alacrity survival version, Base flat world version, pure vanilla version, and the schematic inside your download folder as independent expressions.

Subscriptions and endorsement:

I care little for reputation and objective gain above my fellow species. However, subscription and support reaches out an arm that is immensely appreciated for my time and effort. Consider becoming a Patron, or subscribe for more updates. If not, then enjoy the free builds on my profile. Thank you for those who stuck around!

Quote, because why not:

"Your ego is a jealous god, and it wants its interests served, it does not want to admit the reality of any dimensions except those in which it feels comfortable and can understand. If you have a limited conception of the nature of reality, then your ego will do its best to keep you in a small and closed area of your accepted reality. If on the other hand, your intuitions and creative instincts are allowed freedom, than they communicate some knowledge of greater dimensions to this most physically oriented portion of your personality."

Seth - The eternal validity of the soul

New Builder Guide Posts:

Gradient Creator:

Custom Paintings:

WorldEdit Tutorial:

World Painter:

Minecraft Books Set I:

Minecraft Books Set II:

Minecraft Books Set III:

Shader Catalog:

Performance Mods for low-end systems:
Buy a license now
EULA: Standard EULA
New: Now supporting cryptocurrency payments!
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14 Purchases
Nov 20, 2023 Published
Nov 18, 2023 Updated
Not yet rated
92.2 MB File size
  1. Spawn
  2. Terrain
  1. Medieval
  2. Oriental
Supported versions
  1. 1.19
  2. 1.20
File format
  1. Schematic
  2. World
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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14 Purchases
Nov 20, 2023 Published
Nov 18, 2023 Updated
Not yet rated
92.2 MB File size
  1. Spawn
  2. Terrain
  1. Medieval
  2. Oriental
Supported versions
  1. 1.19
  2. 1.20
File format
  1. Schematic
  2. World
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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