Run Locally
Clone the projectgit clone
Go to the project directory
cd discord-moderation-bot
Install dependencies
npm ci
Build the application
npm run build
Start the bot
npm run start
Environment Variables
To run this project, you will need to set the following environment variables!TOKEN - The discord bot token (required)
PREFIX - Command prefix (optional)
OWNER_ID - Set the owner that has access to all commands (optional)
MC_IP - Minecraft Server IP (required for serverdata command)
FOOTER_MESSAGE - Message to be shown at the bottom of all embeds (optional)
- help - List all of commands user has access to
- ping - Shows the ping response
- kick - Kicks member from server
- ban - Bans member from server
- add - Adds a role to member
- remove - Removes a role from member
- say - Make the bot speak!
- purge - Removes bulk messages
- setavatar - Sets the bots avatar
- setname - Sets the bots name
- setstatus - Sets the bots status
- setgame - Sets the bots game
- shutdown - Shutdowns down the bot
- joke - Displays a random joke
- iplookup - Shows location information of given IP
- enable - Enables bot commands
- disable - Disables bot commands
- mcuuid - Displays Minecraft players UUID
- serverdata - Displays basic Minecraft Server data
- mute - Mutes a user
- unmute - Unmutes a user
- tempmute - Temporarily mutes a user
- warn - Warns a user
- warnlist - Lists all warned players
- unwarn - Unwarns a warned player
- dev - Allows all members with the Developer role user owner commnads
- shorten - Shortens provided URL
Creators email address [email protected]