DrCane Give Rewards When Harvesting SugarCane vV0.3-BETA

Get a reward every time you harvest sugarcane

DrCane is an easy plugin you can use to give your players rewards if they break sugarcane (This is a good plugin for people that wanna use a token shop in their server and want people to gain tokens by harvesting sugar cane)

Via the config you can change everything. You can add a command in the config. This way you can change the rewards they will get. As an example we use the command /tm add <player> 1 we did this with this plugin.

We will be adding our own 'economy' soon! This is beta so there is a big change that you will find some bugs!


/DrCaneRL - This will reload the plugin
/DrCaneHelp - This will show you all the commands
/Cane - This will show you all the rewards you can get from harvesting sugarcane


DrCane.RL - This permission is used for /DrVoteRL


##                                    ##
##                                    ##
##           DrCane plugin            ##
##          Made By DrSvenz           ##
##                                    ##
##             Contact                ##
##     Discord: ItzMehMaikel#0583     ##
##                                    ##
##              Version               ##
##             V0.3-BETA              ##
##                                    ##
##                                    ##

##DrCane plugin made by DrSvenz!
#For suggestions / bug reports dm ItzMehMaikel#0583 on discord!
#We will be adding a lot more features! Right now we are testing everything! Make sure to suggest things to ItzMehMaikel#0583 so we can make this plugin better!

##                                    ##
##         Customize Commands         ##
##                                    ##

##Customize /DrCaneRL here
#Color Codes are supported!
#Permission for /DrCaneRL is DrCane.RL
ConsoleError: 'You have to be in the server in order to reload this plugin!'
NoPerms: '&4You done have the permissions to use this command! You need the permission DrCane.RL to use this command!'
PluginReloaded: '&aThe DrCane plugin has been reloaded!'

##Customize /DrCaneHelp here
#Color Codes are supported!
#If you wanna add more lines use the - and put the text you gotta use '' so e.g. - '&7 This is a test'.
#If you wanna remove lines just delete the whole line (Including the - '')
#For a blanco line (without text) use this - '&7 '
ConsoleError2: 'You have to be in the server in order to use this command!'
- '&7&m-------------------&r&8[&c&lDr&4&lCane&8]&7&m-------------------'
- '&c/DrCaneHelp &7See all the commands for the plugin!'
- '&c/DrCaneRL &7This will reload the config from DrCane!'
- '&c/cane &7This will show you the rewards you can get from harvesting sugarcane!'

##Customize /cane here
#Color Codes are supported!
#If you wanna add more lines use the - and put the text you gotta use '' so e.g. - '&7 This is a test'.
#If you wanna remove lines just delete the whole line (Including the - '')
#For a blanco line (without text) use this - '&7 '
ConsoleError3: 'You have to be in the server in order to use this command!'
- '&7&m-------------------&r&8[&c&lDr&4&lCane&8]&7&m-------------------'
- '&7You can get the following rewards from harvesting cane'
- '&7 '
- '&7For &4every &7sugarcane you''ll harvest you will get &41x Token&7!'

##                                    ##
##      Enable/Disable Commands       ##
##                                    ##

##Do You wanna use the /cane command? Default = True
UseCaneCommand: True

##Do You wanna use the /DrCaneHelp command? Default = True
UseHelpCommand: True

##Do You wanna use the /DrCaneRL command? Default = True
UseReloadCommand: True

##If one of those options is 'FALSE' you can change the message in game here
CMDDisabled: '&7This command is disabled! If you think this is a bug please contact a staff member!'

##                                    ##
##       Enable/Disable Rewards       ##
##                                    ##

##If you use the harvester hoe plugin 'Scyther' you know that if you break the lowest sugar cane, that it will be replanted.
#If you want it so people wont get tokens if the sugar cane is one high change 'False' to True (If you got it on true they wont get tokens from the ungrown sugar cane when using the harvester hoe)
#Default = False
HarvesterHoeDisable: False

##Do you wanna disable all the cane rewards? Default = False
#If you change this to True do not change the RewardOnCaneBreak1,2 &3!
DisableAllCaneRewards: False

##Do you wanna disable the 'RewardOnCaneBreak' reward? Default = False
#At this point the sugar cane is 1 block high
RewardOnCaneBreak1: False

##Do you wanna disable the 'RewardOnCaneBreakDouble' reward? Default = False
#At this point the sugar cane is 2 blocks high
RewardOnCaneBreak2: False

##Do you wanna disable the 'RewardOnCaneBreakTriple' reward? Default = False
#At this point the sugar cane is 3 blocks high
RewardOnCaneBreak3: False

##                                    ##
##          Customize Rewards         ##
##                                    ##

##Change Rewards If Someone Breaks Cane
#Do NOT use / in front of the command!
#If you wanna give something to the player that broke the sugarcane use <player>
RewardsOnCaneBreak: 'tm add <player> 1'

##Change Rewards If Someone Breaks sugar cane once its full grown!
#Do NOT use / in front of the command!
#If you wanna give something to the player that broke the sugarcane use <player>
RewardsOnCaneBreakDouble: 'tm add <player> 2'

##Change Rewards If Someone Breaks sugar cane once its full grown and you broke the sugarcane thats connected to the ground!
#Do NOT use / in front of the command!
#If you wanna give something to the player that broke the sugarcane use <player>
RewardsOnCaneBreakTriple: 'tm add <player> 3'

##We will be adding a lot more features! Right now we are testing everything! Make sure to suggest things to ItzMehMaikel#0583 so we can make this plugin better!
#If you are a server owner and you wanna be on the list of servers using this plugin you can do the following:
#1. rate this plugin and add your server name, ip and proof of using it
#2. DM ItzMehMaikel#0583 on discord with the same information
#3. DM 'ItzMehJan' on spigotmc with the same information

##You can choose one of those steps! You dont have to do all of them!



Source Code
If you are interested in buying the source code of this plugin add me on discord ItzMehMaikel#0583 The price of the source code for this plugin is $5.00 F&F.

Please Notice
This is the BETA version of this plugin! We will be adding a lot of features soon!
EULA: Standard EULA
Jun 23, 2020 Published
Jun 24, 2020 Updated
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8.8 KB File size
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