Have you ever wanted to bring something new to your skyblock server but afraid of those big back Mojang EULA meanies. Well now you can. Allow your players to date each other and rankup their relationship and earn new perks along the way.
E-Datecraft is currently in early beta stage and this is the first stable cosmetic build, E-Datecraft will allow two users to "Date" each other in a way to rankup threw the server and unlock new perks on the way.

- Date your friends
- Unlock new perks
- Double EXP while working together.
- Be the servers power couple
- Change your Scoreboard from depressing "Single" to Your partners name
- Customization
- LGBTQ friendly Date your best friend with the #NoHomo.
- Editable config and customize messages
- Free custom made featherboard

- Rank up your relationship with play time.
- 1 - Speed-boost
- 2- Exp boost
- 3- Health
- 4- flight when close by strength boost.
- 5- Share health
- - Kissing
- Marriage
- Children AI (Adopt Baby mobs etc)
2. Eventually adopt children to work on your skyblock island.
3. Hook in with aSkyblock
4. Add an a church hook.
5. Genders Ha! Every gender has a special perk.
- Attack helicopter (Fly) etc.
- Can create new genders for donation store
Single player




- Feather-board (Optional)
- Placeholder API
- MVdWPlaceHolderAPI
- My plugin
Proof I own it.
The thread that started it all
Support the African in need. I am poor and need money to E-Date