Embark on an adventure through the charming town of Elmore, Gloucestershire, meticulously recreated in this expansive Roblox map spanning 2100 x 2100 studs. Discover a diverse array of housing styles and buildings, from quaint cottages to bustling establishments like pubs and stores, inviting immersive roleplay experiences. Nestled amidst this picturesque setting is a serene lake at the heart of the map, surrounded by lush parkland, offering endless opportunities for exploration and community engagement.
- Expansive 2100 x 2100 Studs map with ample space for various activities
- 6 unique building types including a pub, store, and more
- Diverse housing options to create a vibrant community
- No interiors included for flexible customization
- Park area featuring benches, a football goal, and swings for recreation
- Large central lake providing a scenic focal point for the environment