Crystal Development
Factions Tracker Bot Release
Track your enemy faction's movements with ease! Introducing the new Factions Tracker Bot! This bot will give you the ability to track their claims, balance and players online.
Claim Tracking: Alerts you to any new claims made by the faction
Balance Tracking: Track the balance of players in the faction; giving you the ability to see if they might be doing something. Such as making a cannon.
Player Tracking: Track players online in the faction
Chat Logging: Log all messages said by a player
Playtime Tracking: Track a player's time online
Balance Tracking: Track the balance of players in the faction; giving you the ability to see if they might be doing something. Such as making a cannon.
Player Tracking: Track players online in the faction
Chat Logging: Log all messages said by a player
Playtime Tracking: Track a player's time online

The download to this resource is available both in this post and in our Discord.
We (Crystal Development) do not take responsibility if this bot is not allowed on the server you are using it on. Please make sure that it's allowed before use!
This bot will work on almost every server and is configurable to do so.
"Discord": {
"token": "Discord Token from https://discordapp.com/developers/applications",
"serverID": "Discord Server ID",
"prefix": "-",
"cmd_whitelist": [
"embed_colour": "8ff2a3",
"Claims_change_to_ping": 25
"Bot": {
"email": "ALT EMAIL",
"password": "ALT PASSWORD",
"console_serverChat": false
"Config": {
"claims_channel": "CHANNEL ID",
"balance_change_channel": "CHANNEL ID",
"fbalance_change_channel": "CHANNEL ID",
"fonline_channel": "CHANNEL ID",
"tracked_factions": [],
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"port": 25565,
"version": "1.8.9",
"hub_cmd": "/Command to run on alt joining server",
"balance": "Balance of {ign}: ${bal}",
"FList": "{fac} - {online}/{maxonline} online | Power {land} / {power} / {maxpower}",
"FBalance": "{fac}'s balance is {bal}.",
"fonline_stop_arg": "Members offline (",
"balance_cmd": "/bal {ign}",
"fbalance_cmd": "/f money balance {fac}",
"flist_cmd": "/f list {page}",
"fwho_cmd": "/f who {fac}"