Factories Custom Configuration v2.0.3

Most Ambitious Config Ever | Fast Reliable Support | NitroSetups


Factories is the most ambitious custom graphics GUI system ever made. So why would you miss out on this opportunity for your survival server? Factories is like a second video game that can be installed on your Minecraft server, plug and play, without needing any mods. Players can produce a specific item in each factory, and every factory can be upgraded and purchased at an increasing difficulty/price. The possibilities with this plugin are almost endless. Keep reading to learn more about the plugin.

The configuation is fully customizable as it has been made using DeluxeMenus. If you know how to use this plugin, you make any change that you would want to make. However, the configuration is quite advanced, so making significant changes would be challenging. We would be happy to assist you with any issues on our Discord server!


Below are all the features included with this Custom Factories configuration:

Custom Factories Configuration
Custom Graphics Menu UI
40+ Unique Menus
20+ Factory Types
200+ Custom Textures
Custom Menu Sounds
Research Center
Rewards System
Advanced Statistics
Factories Guide
Fast Discord Support


To explain how it works, players begin by inserting the required resources by left-clicking on the production option. This starts the production process, which can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour, depending on what item is being produced and how many the player wants to produce. Once the production is completed, the player can claim the finished product. The required resources are very similar to the ones required for crafting the item in vanilla Minecraft. However, using the factory is more efficient than vanilla crafting.


Factories included 50 beautiful custom GUIs for all of the menus. Below is the main factories menu where players can access all the features inside of factories.


Below is the actual factory GUI. Here players can start a production. The example below is from the wood factory.



The research center is a new system that players must grind through on your server. They have to research certain subjects to improve their factories and unlock specific factories and features. It almost feels like playing a secondary video game beside Minecraft, which is super cool. The research center is on 3 menu pages.


Below is the second page of the Research Center. Players need to have completed the the previous step of the research tree in order to continue to the next.


Below is the last page with the most valuable research. The deeper down the research tree, the more time and research points it will cost to start a research.


Researching subjects requires the currency "Research Points". The more advanced the research, the more research points it will require. Research also takes time to complete, just like in any other video game. Once the research is completed, players receive the results.


The rewards system is a way for players to earn rewards by progressing through the factories system. There are 10 reward milestones for how many productions the player has completed.



The plugin includes 20 factory types, allowing players to produce 20 different items. These items are carefully selected to make sense in real life and are used in many recipes in Minecraft. Four of the item types that players can produce are fuels, required for specific productions. Every production requires one type of fuel, and the level of fuel required increases with the rarity of the item produced.


All factories require a specific type of fuel to start production. There are five types of fuel on the server, four of which are custom items. The value of the product determines the type of advanced fuel required.


Watch the video below to see the custom UI menu in action:

The video below is a showcase video by KasaiSora:

This video was recorded on a previous version of Factories, but all functions still apply.

Thank You for viewing this config!

Latest reviews

Just purchased and had a little bit of confusion while installing but the creator answered very fast on discord for support and now its working. Great plugin and design!
A truly inventive concept and system! And the support is simply top! 🌟🔧🎮
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This license was given for free. What's this?
Unique concept and mechanism. I had some problems to get it working with 1.19.4, the author quickly made a beta version for it and sent it over in a few days. Support is awesome!
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Amazing developer, extremely intuitive concept and graphics, and quick support. 10/10
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97 Purchases
Mar 13, 2023 Published
Nov 16, 2023 Updated
5.00 star(s)
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11 MB File size
Configuration for
DeluxeMenus, Skript, PAPI
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97 Purchases
Mar 13, 2023 Published
Nov 16, 2023 Updated
5.00 star(s)
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11 MB File size
Configuration for
DeluxeMenus, Skript, PAPI
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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