- Fully configurable menus and multiple menus creation and accessing via config actions
- Anti Break
- Anti Item Movement
- Anti Portal
- Anti Item Drop
- Anti Damage
- Anti Chat
- Anti Hunger
- Join message
- Leave message
- Flying pearl with two modes
- Player Visibility
- Lobby Speed
- Cosmetics
- Chat Format
- Spawn Teleport
- Customizable join items
- Servers Menu
- Lobby-Servers Menu
- Launch Pads
- Double Jump [infinite]
- Built-in Queue
- Customizable servers
- Scoreboard
- Armor Gadgets
- Multiple plugins support
- MySQL database is required.
FateHub supports a wide range of public cores created by the community. However, if you don't see your core listed, don't worry! Just because we don't support your core out-of-the-box does not mean the plugin will not function properly. You can still utilize the power of FateHub by using PlaceholderAPI placeholders and other features within the plugin.
Vault (any plugins that use Vault, example: PEX, UltraPerms, etc)
- /joinqueue <queuename> - Allows players to join a specific queue. (No permission required)
- /leavequeue - Allows players to leave the current queue. (No permission required)
- /pausequeue <queuename> - Allows moderators to pause the queue system. (Permission required: hub.pausequeue)
- /fly - Enables or disables fly mode for the player. (Permission required: hub.command.fly)
- /gadget <name> - Equips a gadget for the player. (No permission required)
- /hubcore reload - Reloads the FateHub core plugin. (Permission required: hub.reload)
- /setspawn - Sets the spawn point for the hub. (Permission required: hub.command.setspawn)
- /spawn - Teleports the player to the hub spawn point. (Permission required: hub.command.spawn)
- /joinserver <servername> [player] - Allows players to join a specific server. (Permission required: hub.command.joinserver)
- /openmenu <menu> - Opens a specific menu for the player. (Permission required: hub.command.openmenu)
- /opengadgetmenu - Opens the gadget menu for the player. (No permission required)
- /sound - Plays a sound for the player. (Permission required: hub.command.sound)
- /scoreboard - Manages the scoreboard settings. (Permission required: hub.command.scoreboard)
- /playervis - Toggles player visibility. (Permission required: hub.command.playervis)
- /prefs - Opens the preferences menu for the player. (No permission required)
- /build (/buildmode) - Toggles build mode for the player. (Permission required: hub.command.build)
Full list of commands & permissions: https://fatehub.bghddevelopment.com/commands-and-permissions
Full configs are located on the wiki: https://fatehub.bghddevelopment.com
Full configs are located on the wiki: https://fatehub.bghddevelopment.com
These placeholders work in FateHub's menus, scoreboards, and messages.
- {status-serverbungeename}: Retrieves the status of a server.
- {online-serverbungeename}: Retrieves the number of players online on a server.
- {queued-serverbungeename}: Retrieves the number of players in a queue for a server.
- {count:serverbungeename1:serverbungeename2:serverbungeename3}: Retrieves the total count of players across entered servers. (Example: Retrieves the total count of players on 3 servers)
- {bungee-online}: Retrieves the total number of players on Bungee.
Note: The serverbungeename is the Bungee name of the server in lowercase.
Scoreboard Placeholders
- <global_count>: Retrieves the total number of players on Bungee.
- <player>: Retrieves the player's name.
- <prefix>: Retrieves the player's prefix. (If using LuckPerms, the rank name will match its color.)
- <rank>: Retrieves the rank of a player. (If your core is supported in cores.yml, the rank name will match its color.)
- <suffix>: Retrieves the player's suffix.
- <queue_server>: Retrieves the queue server name.
- <pos>: Retrieves the position in the queue.
- <in_queue>: Retrieves the total number of players in a player's queue.
PlaceholderAPI Specific
- %FateHub_first_joined%: Returns the player's first join date.
- %FateHub_queue_pos%: Returns the current queue position for the player.
- %FateHub_in_queue%: Returns the total number of players in the queue.
- %FateHub_queue_server%: Returns the server the player is queuing for.
- %FateHub_first_joined%: Returns the player's first join date.
- queue.priority.1-50 - Grants priority access to specific queues. (1 being the highest)
- queue.bypass - Bypasses all queue restrictions.
- queue.bypass.servername - Bypasses the queue for a specific server.
- hub.bypass.vis - Bypasses player visibility toggles.
- hub.options.bypass.drop - Bypasses item dropping restrictions.
- hub.options.bypass.pick - Bypasses item picking up restrictions.
- hub.options.bypass.chat - Bypasses chat restrictions.
- fatehub.inv.bypass - Bypasses inventory move restrictions.
- fatehub.fly - Automatically enables fly mode on join.
- fatehub.reload - Displays a reload message when attempting to run /reload.
- hub.bypass.vis - Bypasses player hider.
- fatehub.interact.bypass - Bypasses the interaction block list.
- fatehub.update - Shows the update message when joining the server.
- hub.gadgets.NAME - Grants access to a specific gadget. Replace NAME with the name of the gadget. (Example: hub.gadgets.hearts)