99% of your questions can be answered in our Wiki!
Outdated Striker's review
Please read the full resource requirements before purchasing.
More Scenarios from 3.74+
Outdated Striker's review
Please read the full resource requirements before purchasing.

More Scenarios from 3.74+
Do Not Disturb
Love at First Sight
Vein Miner
Random Scenarios (Chooses random scenarios to enable)
Wood Life
Corona Virus
Limited P4
Nine Slot
Every Rose
Lights Out
CBeta Zombies
Book Ception
Bald Chicken
Puppy Power
Bleeding Sweets
No Diamond Armor
Carrot Combo
Cats Eyes
Lucky Roulette
Red VS Blue (you may configure team size in /config admin)
Hastey Boys Lite
There are so many features within the plugin the only real way to see them all is to try it yourself!
Here is a small list:
Configuration GUI
Discord Webhooks
Practice System
World Generation
70+ Scenarios
Bungee Announce
Report and Alert System Built-In
Spectator System
Moderator System
Party/Team System
Game Saves (Use the same configuration again!)
Combat Logger
Auto Start
Point System
Chat Formatting (Hooks into many common Cores systems)
Full Message Customization
PlaceholderAPI Support
There is much more as well! Check the wiki!
Extra Information
Supported Versions: 1.8-1.20.x
Please reach out to me on-site or through Discord (@stephannoodles) to have a test server created.
We no longer host test servers 24/7 due to cost and lack of use.
This plugin does not require any dependencies (outside MySQL or MongoDB) in order to work
There are some dependencies for some features.
If you want to use holograms you need to use the DecentHologram plugin [CLICK HERE]
There is world management system, caves, sugar cane and cow populator, we do still recommend to use generator as "TerrainControl", and for boosted ores use plugin as "OrePlus". OrePlus plugin could be implemented to UHC plugin but theres no need for that. [CLICK HERE]
FateUHC has 16+ config files! Find them here -
Commands & Permissions:
Here is a small list:
Configuration GUI
Discord Webhooks
Practice System
World Generation
70+ Scenarios
Bungee Announce
Report and Alert System Built-In
Spectator System
Moderator System
Party/Team System
Game Saves (Use the same configuration again!)
Combat Logger
Auto Start
Point System
Chat Formatting (Hooks into many common Cores systems)
Full Message Customization
PlaceholderAPI Support
There is much more as well! Check the wiki!
Extra Information
Supported Versions: 1.8-1.20.x
Please reach out to me on-site or through Discord (@stephannoodles) to have a test server created.
We no longer host test servers 24/7 due to cost and lack of use.
This plugin does not require any dependencies (outside MySQL or MongoDB) in order to work
There are some dependencies for some features.
If you want to use holograms you need to use the DecentHologram plugin [CLICK HERE]
There is world management system, caves, sugar cane and cow populator, we do still recommend to use generator as "TerrainControl", and for boosted ores use plugin as "OrePlus". OrePlus plugin could be implemented to UHC plugin but theres no need for that. [CLICK HERE]

FateUHC has 16+ config files! Find them here -
Commands & Permissions:
/announce - Announce UHC game globally. Requires BungeeAddon. Permission: uhc.announce
/border - Reduce border size manually. Permission: uhc.border
/clearlagg - Clear all entities. Permission: uhc.clearlag
/data - Main command for manipulating data. Permission: uhc.data.edit
/data update-leaderboards
/data dropAll
/data <player> set kills <number>
/data <player> set deaths <number>
/data <player> set gamesPlayed <number>
/data <player> set wins <number>
/data <player> set killStreak <number>
/data <player> set points <number>
/giveall - Give game players items. Permission: uhc.giveall
/joinserver <server> - Force join a server. Permission: hub.command.joinserver
/starterinventory - Edit starter inventory. Permission: uhc.starterinventory
/uhc - Shows help page. Permission: uhc.edit.commands
/uhc start - Permission: uhc.start
/uhc setlobby - Permission: uhc.setlobby
/uhc reload - Permission: uhc.reload
/uhc locations - Permission: uhc.locations
/uhc checkrelogg - Permission: uhc.checkrelogg
/uhc gc,lag,performance - Permission: uhc.lag
/uhc stopLoading - Permission: uhc.stoploading
/uhc setpvp - Permission: uhc.setpvp
/uhc reboot <now:time> - Permission: uhc.reboot
/uhc sethologram <type> - Must be in uhc_lobby - Permission: uhc.uhcholograms
/whitelist - Main command for whitelist. Permission: uhc.whitelist
/whitelist on
/whitelist off
/whitelist list
/whitelist all
/whitelist clear
/whitelist add <player>
/whitelist remove <player>
/freeze - Freeze/unfreeze player. Permission: uhc.freeze
/freezeall - Freeze all players.
/invsee - See player's inventory. Permission: uhc.invsee
/unsit - Unsit a player. Permission: uhc.unsit
/sit - Sit a player. Permission: uhcsit
/helpop - Request help from staff members. Permission: None
/viewhelpop - Permission: uhc.helpop.see
/report - Report system. Permission: None
/seereport - Permission: uhc.report.see
/sethost - Sets the host. Permission: uhc.sethost
/removehost - Removes the host. Permission: uhc.removehost
/selfremovehost - Removes host, can only be run by current host. Permission: uhc.selfremovehost
/spectatorchat - Toggle spectator chat. Permission: uhc.spectatorchat.command
/respawn <player> <reason> - Respawns player. Permission: uhc.respawn. See reason for respawn. Permission: uhc.respawn.see
/moles list - Lists all mole players. Permission: moles.access
/moles chat - Enables mole chat.
/points <give/remove> <player> <amount> - Gives and removes points. Permission: uhc.points.manage
/regeneratemap - Restarts the generation of the map. Permission: uhc.regeneratemap
/builduhckit <set/default> - Sets the BuildUHC scenario kit. Permission: builduhc.edit
/scatter - Scatter player into the game. Permission: uhc.scatter
/rescatter - Rescatters existing players. Permission: uhc.scatter
/spectator - Put yourself into spectator mode. Permission: uhc.spectator.staff
/alerts - Toggle alerts with GUI. Permission: alerts.open
Permissions to use alerts: alerts.diamonds, alerts.gold, alerts.pvp, alerts.ipvp
/autostart - Set autostart countdown. Permission: uhc.autostart
/heallall - Heals all players. Permission: uhc.healall
/backpack - Open up team backpack. Permission: None
/goldenhead <player> - Gives a player a golden head. Permission: uhc.goldenhead
/goldenheadall - Gives all players a golden head. Permission: uhc.goldenheadall
/config - See current configurations. Permission: None
/config admin - Configure the game. Permission: uhc.edit.config and uhc.edit.scenarios
/config <configName> <true:false:value> - Configure the specific config setting. Permission: uhc.edit.config
/scenarios - See current scenarios. Permission: None
/scenarios admin - Configure the scenarios. Permission: uhc.admin
/scenarios <ScenarioName> - Enables/Disables the scenario. Permission: uhc.admin
/cosmetics - Open up cosmetics menu. Permission: None
/extrainv - Open up extra inventory. Permission: None
/health - Check player's health. Permission: None
/kills - Check player's kills. Permission: None
/leaderboards - See leaderboards. Permission: None
/exps - Modify exps. Permission: uhc.exps
/border - Modify border. Permission: uhc.border
/teleport - Teleportation. Permission: uhc.staffteleport
/specteleport - Spectator teleport. Permission: uhc.spec.tp
/practice - Join practice arena. Permission: None
/practice on/off/edit - Permission: practice.edit
/stats - See player's statistics. Permission: None
/topkills - See top kills of the game. Permission: None
/serverid - Returns server ID. Permission: None
/gameid - Returns game ID. Permission: None
/vote - Vote for scenarios and configs. Permission: uhc.vote.command
/party - Main command for parties/teams. Permission: None
/party set, /party size - Edit party stuff. Permission: parties.edit
/party list - See info on someone's party.
/sendcoords - Send coords to your party members. Permission: None
/assign <player> <add/remove> <partyhostname> - Adds/removes players to and from a party. Permission: uhc.assign
/discordannounce - Discord announcement. Permission: uhc.discord.announce
/rules - Rules. Permission: None
/tweet - Open the Twitter GUI (Requires TwitterAPI). Permission: uhc.tweet
/uhcholograms - Hologram help and set menu (Requires HologramAPI). Permission: uhc.holograms
/nightvision - Toggles night vision. Permission: uhc.nightvision
/ubl - Says if UBL is enabled/disabled.
/despawnlogger <player> - Despawns combat logger. Permission: uhc.combatlogger.despawn
Other Permissions
uhc.mod - Use mod items.
Border Spectator Permissions:
uhc.spectate.y.bypass - Be able to spectate under y-45.
View spectator chat - Permission: spectator.chat.see
Bypass deathkick - Permission: uhc.deathkick.bypass
Allows staff to move items in inventory, drop them, delete them - Permission: uhc.inv.bypass (DO NOT GIVE TO UNTRUSTWORTHY USERS)
Open and use /settings - Permission: settings.open
Toggle the sound section of the settings menu - Permission: settings.sounds
Toggle the scoreboard section of the settings menu - Permission: settings.scoreboard
Break blocks while in spectator and creative mode - Permission: game.block.break
Place blocks while in spectator and creative mode - Permission: game.block.place
Give all cosmetics - Permission: fateuhc.cosmetics.*
Allow breaking item frames and paintings - Permission: uhc.itemframe.remove
Receive update notifications - Permission: fateuhc.update
See players' real name in anonymous scenario - Permission: uhc.see.anonymous
For a full and up to date list, please visit:
There are so many I can't list them here, lol.
FateUHC includes a unique and advanced API that allows developers to hook into major game functions. Reminder: This API is still in a public alpha state and will be changed.
Wiki: https://fateuhc.bghddevelopment.com/fateuhc-api
JavaDocs: https://javadocs.bghddevelopment.com/fateuhc
Download: https://download.bghddevelopment.com/FateUHCAPI/
FateUHC includes full PlaceholderAPI support within all messages of the messages.yml file. You may also use FateUHC placeholders via PlaceholderAPI. Find them all on the wiki.
Wiki/Placeholder List: https://fateuhc.bghddevelopment.com/placeholders