FlamePaper is the best high-performance Paper 1.8.8 fork that includes Java 21 support, a ton of optimizations, and memory usage reduction.
FlamePaper's main purpose is to achieve high-performance by optimizing stuff synchronously instead of just making everything asynchronous. This ensures stability over others.
Adaptative Chunk GC reduces the amount of times chunks are cleaned to save performance. Better performance when staying on chunks.
Skipping irrelevant head rotations or block updates improves CPU performance during high player counts.
Disabling startup chunk loading makes the server restart much more faster.
Skipping chunk loading for entities ensures only players can load chunks so the server saves tons of memory.
FlamePaper has a very big community of contributors and a wide amount of patches. ¡We always accept new ideas and requests!
- Fix NaN errors & NoSuchMethod
- Fix long string crash bug
- Update gson to fix vulnerabilities
- Update Version Command
- Unload chunks from unsaveable worlds
- Fix multiple memory leaks
- Fix sending irrelevant block updates
- Fix head rotation packet spam
- Do not load chunks for light checks
- Fix NullPointerException exploits
- Disable startup chunk loading
- Optimize Redstone Torch
- Check channel before reading
- Remove unused code from beacons
- Fix Book Exploits
- Limit ChatComponents
- Pearl through blocks
- Backport log4j 2.15.0 bugfix
- Customizable knockback
- Push-based hoppers
- Disable InventoryMoveItemEvent
- Skip Eula
- Disable Unloaded Chunk Movement
- Disable Nether Roof Interaction
- Option for map decorators
- Disable entities loading chunks
- Fast Versioning
- Adaptative chunk GC
- Rename to FlamePaper
- Don't load chunks for chests
- Don't check occluding hoppers
- Hopper item lookup optimization
- Disconnect Spam Options
- Fix Null ItemUse Exploit
- Use isActive instead of isOpen
- Optimize Head Rotation
- Simplify Cannons
- Reset NaN Entity Values
- Fix Activation Range Double Chunk Lookup
- Suppress Invalid Book Exceptions
- Disable Placing While Open Inventory
- Backport modern tick loop
- Unmount vehicle upon exit
- Durability Multiplier
- Fixed Blocking Damage Multiplier
- Make player data saving configurable
- Implement SpawnerPreSpawnEvent
- Add EquipmentSetEvent
- Add potion effect events
- Fix sword blocking desync
- Configurable TPS
- Chunk Optimizations
- Fix Slot Container Exploit
- Optional structure mob spawning
- Instant Respawn
- /knockback <friction|horizontal|vertical|vertical-limit|extra-horizontal|extra-vertical|reset|show> <value>
- bukkit.command.knockback
Just replace your old Spigot / Paper jar with FlamePaper.jar and you are done!
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