Expansion Pack Vol.1
Add awesome card textures and custom UI to your FlipCard plugin.
Expansion Pack Vol.1
Add awesome card textures and custom UI to your FlipCard plugin.
- 2 Upgraded card textures.
- 1 awesome custom UI.
- ItemsAdder or Oraxen (optional)
- FlipCard (can be purchased here.)
1. Copy and paste the files to your server's /plugins/ folder.
2. Send /flipcard reload command in your server.
3. Copy and paste your server's /plugins/FlipCard/pack folder to your server's /plugins/ItemsAdder/data/resource_pack/ folder or /plugins/Oraxen/pack folder.
4. Send /iazip or /oraxen reload all to regenerate the resource pack.
5. All is done.
- You are allow to modify textures, but you need to credits us with this link.
- You are not allow to claim it was made by you.
- You are not allow to resell/share this to others.
- You are free to use as don't break those terms.