[FREE] MySQL Inventory Bridge v2.4.1

[1.7.10 - 1.16.3] Sync your players inventory/armor over many servers using MySQL.
A simple light plugin that sync players inventory and armor using a MySQL database over as many servers as you like.

======> My Plugins <======
Share more then just inventory (Economy, EnderChest, Health, Active potion effects, Experience ...) using our plugin MySQL Player Data Bridge


  • Premium UUID and Offline UUID support.
  • MySQL Database only.
  • Sync players inventory.
  • Sync players armor, this can be disabled in the config.
  • Modded items support.
  • Database maintenance task to remove inactive users.
How does it work?
It listens for server join and leave events to sync the players inventory to a mysql database to share it over many servers. When a player leaves/disconnects a server the plugin uploads the players inventory to the mysql database. When the player joins the server the plugin checks the mysql database for his account and syncs it to the server he just joined.


  • A MySQL Database
  • (Optional) ProtocolLib - Download
ProtocolLib is required for modded items support.

Install instructions
  • Place the plugin in the server plugins folder.
  • Start the server to generate the config, then stop the server.
  • Open the config and set up the database connection details. You need to create the database, then the plugin will create the tables on it's own.
  • Start the Server. Done, enjoy. Share exp on as many servers as you need.
There are no commands or permissions.

Configuration example:
#MySQL Database details
#MySQL server address

#MySQL server port (default 3306)

port: 3306
#Database name (NOTE! You need to create the database, then the plugin will create the tables.)

databaseName: 'mydatabase'
#Tables name (the plugin will auto create it)

tableName: 'meb_inventory'
#User name

user: 'admin'
#User password

password: 'cheesecake'
#SSL connection
sslEnabled: false

#Remove inactive users from the database. This maintenance task will start each server start with a 2min delay.
#Enable or disable database maintenance. | (true or false)
enabled: false
#Inactivity in days. Default 60 days.
inactivity: 60

#Other configurable options

#Save online players accounts to database task. Disable this task and data will only be saved when the player disconnects.
#To limit data loss in case the server crashes enable this saving task. It runs async so there will be no lag involved.

#Enable or disable the data save task. | (true or false)
enabled: true
#Time between data saves in minutes. | Default 3 min.
interval: 3
#Hide the data save task log messages.
hideLogMessages: false
#Login economy sync delay in milliseconds (default 1000 milliseconds = 1 second)

#This delay is needed in bungeecord setups, because when you move between servers the quit and login takes place almost in the same time.
loginSyncDelay: 1000
#Set this to false to disable the sync of players armor. | (true or false)

syncArmorEnabled: true
#Enable modded items support. This will require the ProtocolLib dependency! | (true or false)
#This is needed if you experience item data loss on some mods that save NBT data.

enableModdedItemsSupport: false
#Disable sounds generated by this plugin. The sync confirmation sound for example. | (true or false)
disableSounds: false

#Chat Messages with full color and format codes support. Disable any message by setting it to '' | Example> syncComplete: ''
#Minecraft Color and Format Codes: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Formatting_codes

syncComplete: '&2[MIB] &aData sync complete!'

If you like this resource and want to say thank you with a donation please use this PayPal button. Thanks!

This plugin is made by CraftersLand Minecraft Community.
:) Feel free to check us out at: www.craftersland.net

Latest reviews

plugin dosent work on 1.20.2
great plugin I really like it thank you
Very Great! I recommend you guys to get that plugin its free
EULA: Standard EULA
Jun 14, 2015 Published
Sep 16, 2020 Updated
4.00 star(s)
Average rating (3)
37.1 KB File size
Supported versions
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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[1.5.2 - 1.21] Share players economy, inventory, enderchest, exp and more across servers.
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[1.6.4 - 1.21.3] A unique Halloween fancy set of effects.
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Jun 14, 2015 Published
Sep 16, 2020 Updated
4.00 star(s)
Average rating (3)
37.1 KB File size
Supported versions
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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[1.5.2 - 1.21] Share players economy, inventory, enderchest, exp and more across servers.
4.00 star(s) 6 ratings
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[1.7.10 - 1.21] Adds MySQL database storage to the popular Essentials plugin.
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11 purchases
[1.6.4 - 1.21.3] A unique Halloween fancy set of effects.
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#1 BuiltByBit Plugin ~ Protects your server from crash packet exploits ~ Folia Support
5.00 star(s) 109 ratings
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The ultimate chat formatting and filtering plugin. Can replace 200+ plugins. Customizable & fast.
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