3D Model Advanced Gaming Room Decor Pack!
With the gaming room pack, you get everything a gamer's heart desires. Sell cool decor to your players or show it off in your spawn or game. This pack gives you everything you need - all with drag-and-drop configuration files for easy installation.
With the gaming room pack, you get everything a gamer's heart desires. Sell cool decor to your players or show it off in your spawn or game. This pack gives you everything you need - all with drag-and-drop configuration files for easy installation.
Included in your purchase, you will get:
- Config files for both ItemsAdder and Oraxen.
- Transparent images and gifs of every item for easy viewing and promotion.
- .OBJ files and BlockBench project files.
- All of the models listed below:
- Headset RGB (animated)
- Heart Gamergirl headset with hearts (animated)
- Sofa
- Sofa RGB (animated)
- Armchair
- Armchair RGB (animated)
- Living_room_table, coffee table with shelves
- Living_room_table_RGB (animated)
- Gaming table RGB (animated)
- Triple monitor RGB with mouse and keyboard (Animated)
- TFT table (boardgame)
- Toiletpaper
- Gaming Chair - RED
- Gaming Chair - GREEN
- Gaming Chair - BLUE
- Television with Wintendo Console (ANIMATED switch icons)
- RGB TV Table (Animated)
- TV Table regular
- Energy drinks
- Box with console + controllers inside