- Various stability & performance improvements
- New obfuscator
- New anti-piracy methods
- Fixed cross-version compatibility with tokens
- *Forgot to change version number in the last update
- Fixed a few commands not working
- Fixed some issues with obfuscation
- Minor performance boost
No config changes
- Possibly fixed MVdWPlaceholdersAPI issue. However, if you're still having any issues, please consider using PlaceholderAPI instead.
- Minor performance improvements
Config changes:
- Added incorrect-usage-if to messages section which represents message that would be sent if player is using gemsif or goldif wrongly.
- Drastically improved anti-piracy & obfuscation.
- Add following to messages.gems
Code:incorrect-usage-if: "/gemsif <player> <qty> <cmd>"
- Add following to messages.gold
Code:incorrect-usage-if: "/goldif <player> <qty> <cmd>"
Code:# ______ ___ __ ______ __ __ # / ____/__ ____ ___ _____ / | ____ ____/ / / ____/___ / /___/ / # / / __/ _ \/ __ `__ \/ ___/ / /| | / __ \/ __ / / / __/ __ \/ / __ / # / /_/ / __/ / / / / (__ ) / ___ |/ / / / /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / # \____/\___/_/ /_/ /_/____/ /_/ |_/_/ /_/\__,_/ \____/\____/_/\__,_/ # # By Arcadia Development Team - https://l1.thearcadia.network (OpenSource & Maky02) enable-gold-command: true enable-gems-command: true # _____ _________________ .____ # / \ ___.__./ _____/\_____ \ | | # / \ / < | |\_____ \ / / \ \| | # / Y \___ |/ \/ \_/. \ |___ # \____|__ / ____/_______ /\_____\ \_/_______ \ # \/\/ \/ \__> \/ # # Please put your mysql informations here. If no info is found, plugin will not work! mysql: hostname: 'localhost' database: 'gemsandgold' username: 'root' password: 'root' storage-id-type: 'uuid' #Either uuid or username, otherwise defaults to uuid # _________ .__ .__ _________ .___ # / _____/ ____ | | | | \_ ___ \ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ __| _/ # \_____ \_/ __ \| | | | / \ \/ / _ \ / \ / \\__ \ / \ / __ | # / \ ___/| |_| |__ \ \___( <_> ) Y Y \ Y Y \/ __ \| | \/ /_/ | # /_______ /\___ >____/____/ \______ /\____/|__|_| /__|_| (____ /___| /\____ | # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ #Gold price (?gold_price?) Turns to one if is zero or less price: gems: 1000.00 gold: 10.00 #Command used to give players something in exchange for gold (can be any command) #?player? is name of player executing command sell-command: gems: "eco give ?player? ?payout?" gold: "eco give ?player? ?payout?" #Amount of gold to take if player doesn't specify how much they want to sell sell-amount: gems: 0 gold: 0 #Do you want player to recieve message when you give them gems? msg-reciever: true # __________ .__ .__ # \______ \ ___________ _____ |__| ______ _____|__| ____ ____ ______ # | ___// __ \_ __ \/ \| |/ ___// ___/ |/ _ \ / \ / ___/ # | | \ ___/| | \/ Y Y \ |\___ \ \___ \| ( <_> ) | \\___ \ # |____| \___ >__| |__|_| /__/____ >____ >__|\____/|___| /____ > # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ admin-override: op: false # If set to true, OPs must be granted gemsandgold.admin permission in order to use admin commands wildcard: false # If set to false *.* will not give player permission to use admin commands # _____ # / \ ____ ______ ___________ ____ ____ ______ # / \ / \_/ __ \ / ___// ___/\__ \ / ___\_/ __ \ / ___/ # / Y \ ___/ \___ \ \___ \ / __ \_/ /_/ > ___/ \___ \ # \____|__ /\___ >____ >____ >(____ /\___ / \___ >____ > # \/ \/ \/ \/ \//_____/ \/ \/ messages: prefix: "[GnG] " no-permission: "You don't have permission to perform this action." execute-as-console: "This command can only be executed from console." gems: amount: "You have %gem_count% gems." check: "%player% has %gem_count% gems." none: "You don't have any gems." give: "Given %gem_count% gem/s to %player%." give-player: "You have been given %gem_count% gem/s." take: "Taken %gem_count% gem/s from %player%." take-player: "%gem_count% gem/s have been taken from you." not-enough: "%player% doesn't have enough gems." not-enough-player: "You don't have enough gems." sold: "You have sold %amount% gems for %payout%$." set-admin: "You have set gems currency value to: %gem_count% for player: %player%." set: "An admin has set your gems currency value to: %gem_count%" player-not-found: "Player by that name was not found." if-not-enough: "Oops, you don't have enough gems to do that :(" incorrect-usage: "/gems <player/give/take/giveall/pay/set/sell/token> <amount> <Player>" incorrect-usage-if: "/gemsif <player> <qty> <cmd>" gold: amount: "You have %gold_count% gold." check: "%player% has %gold_count% gold." none: "You don't have any gold." give: "Given %gold_count% gold to %player%." give-player: "You have been given %gold_count% gold." take: "Taken %gold_count% gold form %player%." take-player: "%gold_count% has been taken from you." not-enough: "%player% doesn't have enough gold." not-enough-player: "You don't have enough gold." sold: "You have sold %amount% gold for %payout%$." set-admin: "You have set gold currency value to: %gem_count% for player: %player%." set: "An admin has set your gold currency value to: %gem_count%" player-not-found: "Player by that name was not found." if-not-enough: "Oops, you don't have enough gold to do that :(" incorrect-usage: "/gold <player/give/take/giveall/pay/set/sell/token> <amount> <Player>" incorrect-usage-if: "/goldif <player> <qty> <cmd>"
This update has not been tested much. Please report any issues if found.
- Added incorrect-usage message, requested by Shasta.
- Cleared some old & unused code.
Config changes:
Full config should look like this
- Add following to messages.gems
Code:incorrect-usage: "/gems <player/give/take/giveall/pay/set/sell/token> <amount> <Player>"
- Add following to messages.gold
Code:incorrect-usage: "/gold <player/give/take/giveall/pay/set/sell/token> <amount> <Player>"
Code:# ______ ___ __ ______ __ __ # / ____/__ ____ ___ _____ / | ____ ____/ / / ____/___ / /___/ / # / / __/ _ \/ __ `__ \/ ___/ / /| | / __ \/ __ / / / __/ __ \/ / __ / # / /_/ / __/ / / / / (__ ) / ___ |/ / / / /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / # \____/\___/_/ /_/ /_/____/ /_/ |_/_/ /_/\__,_/ \____/\____/_/\__,_/ # # By Arcadia Development Team - https://l1.thearcadia.network (OpenSource & Maky02) enable-gold-command: true enable-gems-command: true # _____ _________________ .____ # / \ ___.__./ _____/\_____ \ | | # / \ / < | |\_____ \ / / \ \| | # / Y \___ |/ \/ \_/. \ |___ # \____|__ / ____/_______ /\_____\ \_/_______ \ # \/\/ \/ \__> \/ # # Please put your mysql informations here. If no info is found, plugin will not work! mysql: hostname: 'localhost' database: 'gemsandgold' username: 'root' password: 'root' storage-id-type: 'uuid' #Either uuid or username, otherwise defaults to uuid # _________ .__ .__ _________ .___ # / _____/ ____ | | | | \_ ___ \ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ __| _/ # \_____ \_/ __ \| | | | / \ \/ / _ \ / \ / \\__ \ / \ / __ | # / \ ___/| |_| |__ \ \___( <_> ) Y Y \ Y Y \/ __ \| | \/ /_/ | # /_______ /\___ >____/____/ \______ /\____/|__|_| /__|_| (____ /___| /\____ | # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ #Gold price (?gold_price?) Turns to one if is zero or less price: gems: 1000.00 gold: 10.00 #Command used to give players something in exchange for gold (can be any command) #?player? is name of player executing command sell-command: gems: "eco give ?player? ?payout?" gold: "eco give ?player? ?payout?" #Amount of gold to take if player doesn't specify how much they want to sell sell-amount: gems: 0 gold: 0 #Do you want player to recieve message when you give them gems? msg-reciever: true # __________ .__ .__ # \______ \ ___________ _____ |__| ______ _____|__| ____ ____ ______ # | ___// __ \_ __ \/ \| |/ ___// ___/ |/ _ \ / \ / ___/ # | | \ ___/| | \/ Y Y \ |\___ \ \___ \| ( <_> ) | \\___ \ # |____| \___ >__| |__|_| /__/____ >____ >__|\____/|___| /____ > # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ admin-override: op: false # If set to true, OPs must be granted gemsandgold.admin permission in order to use admin commands wildcard: false # If set to false *.* will not give player permission to use admin commands # _____ # / \ ____ ______ ___________ ____ ____ ______ # / \ / \_/ __ \ / ___// ___/\__ \ / ___\_/ __ \ / ___/ # / Y \ ___/ \___ \ \___ \ / __ \_/ /_/ > ___/ \___ \ # \____|__ /\___ >____ >____ >(____ /\___ / \___ >____ > # \/ \/ \/ \/ \//_____/ \/ \/ messages: prefix: "[GnG] " no-permission: "You don't have permission to perform this action." execute-as-console: "This command can only be executed from console." gems: amount: "You have %gem_count% gems." check: "%player% has %gem_count% gems." none: "You don't have any gems." give: "Given %gem_count% gem/s to %player%." give-player: "You have been given %gem_count% gem/s." take: "Taken %gem_count% gem/s from %player%." take-player: "%gem_count% gem/s have been taken from you." not-enough: "%player% doesn't have enough gems." not-enough-player: "You don't have enough gems." sold: "You have sold %amount% gems for %payout%$." set-admin: "You have set gems currency value to: %gem_count% for player: %player%." set: "An admin has set your gems currency value to: %gem_count%" player-not-found: "Player by that name was not found." if-not-enough: "Oops, you don't have enough gems to do that :(" incorrect-usage: "/gems <player/give/take/giveall/pay/set/sell/token> <amount> <Player>" gold: amount: "You have %gold_count% gold." check: "%player% has %gold_count% gold." none: "You don't have any gold." give: "Given %gold_count% gold to %player%." give-player: "You have been given %gold_count% gold." take: "Taken %gold_count% gold form %player%." take-player: "%gold_count% has been taken from you." not-enough: "%player% doesn't have enough gold." not-enough-player: "You don't have enough gold." sold: "You have sold %amount% gold for %payout%$." set-admin: "You have set gold currency value to: %gem_count% for player: %player%." set: "An admin has set your gold currency value to: %gem_count%" player-not-found: "Player by that name was not found." if-not-enough: "Oops, you don't have enough gold to do that :(" incorrect-usage: "/gold <player/give/take/giveall/pay/set/sell/token> <amount> <Player>"