Giveaways | New Feature v1.0

Simple plugin which can giveaway items to people
A simple minecraft plugin that allows players to start giveaways using every item!
The plugin works from 1.8 to 1.20.6 but if u find any issues on higher versions please contact me to fix them :)
It is a perfection feature that you can add on the higher ranks in your server :)

What is the usage of the plugin:
When a player holds an item in his inventory and types /giveaway start he will start a giveaway that everyone can join with /giveaway join. After 60 seconds the giveaway will end and only one player will get the reward!

Here are the commands and their permissions:
/giveaway - you can see all available commands (giveaways.use)
/giveaway start - to start the giveaway (giveaways.start)
/giveaway join - to join a giveaway (giveaways.join)
/giveaway end - to end a giveaway (giveaways.end)
/giveaway reload - to reload the config file (giveaways.reload)
Every message can be edited in the config.yml file:

    - "&6Available subcommands:"
    - "&e/giveaway start &7- &eto start a giveaway"
    - "&e/giveaway join &7- &eto join a giveaway"
    - "&e/giveaway end &7- &eto end a giveaway"
    - "&e/giveaway reload &7- &eto reload the plugin configuration"
  giveaway_already_running: '&cA giveaway is already running.'
  giveaway_no_item_in_hand: '&cYou must have an item in your hand to start a giveaway.'
  no_permission_start: '&cYou do not have permission to start a giveaway.'
  cant_join_own_giveaway: '&cYou cant join your own giveaway.'
  already_joined: '&cYou have already joined the giveaway.'
  join_successful: '&aYou have joined the giveaway.'
  no_active_giveaway: '&cThere is no active giveaway to join.'
  no_permission_join: '&cYou do not have permission to join a giveaway.'
  no_giveaway_running: '&cThere is no giveaway running.'
  cant_end_others_giveaway: '&cOnly the player that has started the giveaway can end the giveaway.'
  no_permission_end: '&cYou do not have permission to end a giveaway.'
  countdown_message: '&eThere are 30 seconds until the giveaway ends.'
  giveaway_started: '&6{player} has started a giveaway with &7[&6{item}&7]&6. Type /giveaway join to join.'
  giveaway_ended_no_winner: '&cThe giveaway ended without a winner.'
  giveaway_ended_by: '&cThe giveaway has been ended by &6{player}.'
  giveaway_winner: '&e{player} has won the giveaway.'
  no_permission_reload: '&cYou do not have permission to reload the config file.'
  reload_successful: '&aYou successfully reloaded the config.'
  invalid_subcommand: "&cInvalid command"
    countdown_message: true
    giveaway_started: true
    giveaway_ended_no_winner: true
    giveaway_winner: true
    giveaway_already_running: true
    giveaway_no_item_in_hand: true
    no_permission_start: true
    cant_join_own_giveaway: true
    already_joined: true
    join_successful: true
    no_active_giveaway: true
    no_giveaway_running: true
    cant_end_others_giveaway: true
    no_permission_end: true
    reload_successful: true
    no_permission_reload: true
    invalid_subcommand: true

Here are all the available commands for the plugin


{player} - to show the player
{item} - to show the item that is used to start the giveaway

If you find any bug or have any issue with the plugin feel free to contact me on:
Discord: bgprotobg

Leave positive reviews if you liked the plugin <3
If you have any suggestions what to add in the plugin dm me on discord!

Latest reviews

The developer is kind, fast and helpful, I fully recommend buying the plugin, it's great! and so on! :)
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3 Purchases
Nov 1, 2023 Published
Oct 31, 2023 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
7.8 KB File size
  1. Gameplay
  2. Minigame
Supported software
  1. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.15
  9. 1.16
  10. 1.17
  11. 1.18
  12. 1.19
  13. 1.20
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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Collects Item in the chunk, custom sellwand feature, custom items support, famous plugins support
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3 Purchases
Nov 1, 2023 Published
Oct 31, 2023 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
7.8 KB File size
  1. Gameplay
  2. Minigame
Supported software
  1. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.15
  9. 1.16
  10. 1.17
  11. 1.18
  12. 1.19
  13. 1.20
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
Recommended for you
Collects Item in the chunk, custom sellwand feature, custom items support, famous plugins support
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