GuessTheNumber v1.0

Guess a number and win rewards
GuessTheNumber is a plugin that allows players to win rewards by guessing a number in the chat
The plugin is easy to use and everything is configurable

  • Commands:
  • /gtn start <number>
  • /gtn help
  • gtn reload

  • Permissions:
  • /gtn start - guessthenumber.start
  • /gtn reload - guessthenumber.reload




Here you can see the config.yml
                                 #GuessTheNumber config

number-range-error: "&7The number must be between &31 &7and &3100."
event-started: "&3GuessTheNumber &7event has started - choose a number between &31 &7and &3100."
event-won: "&3{player} &7has won the &3GuessTheNumber &7event! The number was &3{number}&7."
config-reloaded: "&aConfiguration reloaded successfully."
  - "give %player% diamond 1"
  - "give %player% iron_sword 1"

# u can add as many rewards as you want!!

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions for the plugin you can join our discord server

More features will be added soon!
Buy a license now
EULA: Standard EULA
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1 Purchases
May 28, 2024 Published
May 25, 2024 Updated
Not yet rated
5.9 KB File size
  1. Gameplay
  2. Chat
Game mode
  1. Survival
  2. Skyblock
  3. Prison
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.7
  2. 1.8
  3. 1.9
  4. 1.10
  5. 1.11
  6. 1.12
  7. 1.13
  8. 1.14
  9. 1.15
  10. 1.16
  11. 1.17
  12. 1.18
  13. 1.19
  14. 1.20
Recommended for you
Simple plugin which can giveaway items to people
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
2 purchases
Not yet rated
1 purchase
Play in the server and get rewards
Not yet rated
1 purchase
Collects Item in the chunk, custom sellwand feature, custom items support, famous plugins support
Not yet rated
1 purchase
Buy a lot of items with Points
Not yet rated
9 purchases
Share and earn
Refer this resource and earn a 10% commission.
1 Purchases
May 28, 2024 Published
May 25, 2024 Updated
Not yet rated
5.9 KB File size
  1. Gameplay
  2. Chat
Game mode
  1. Survival
  2. Skyblock
  3. Prison
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.7
  2. 1.8
  3. 1.9
  4. 1.10
  5. 1.11
  6. 1.12
  7. 1.13
  8. 1.14
  9. 1.15
  10. 1.16
  11. 1.17
  12. 1.18
  13. 1.19
  14. 1.20
Recommended for you
Simple plugin which can giveaway items to people
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
2 purchases
Not yet rated
1 purchase
Play in the server and get rewards
Not yet rated
1 purchase
Collects Item in the chunk, custom sellwand feature, custom items support, famous plugins support
Not yet rated
1 purchase
Buy a lot of items with Points
Not yet rated
9 purchases