If you're a server owner or looking for smooth hats for any reason this resource is for you!
You can even monetize it for players, lets earn with selling hats!
Hat Cosmetics v2 | 9 Custom Hats
The resource includes:
♦ Bouy Hat (dyeable)
♦ Clown Hat (dyeable)
♦ Cowboy Hat
♦ Diving Goggles
♦ Mushroom Hat (dyeable)
♦ Pirate Hat (dyeable)
♦ Sailor's Cap
♦ Baseball Hat (dyeable)
♦ Steampunk Hat
Configurations include:
♦ ItemsAdder configuration
♦ Oraxen configuration
♦ MagicCosmetics configuration
♦ CosmeticsCore configuration
♦ + raw bbmodel files
If you need Commissions, Support, or Variations