NOTICE: This version of HeadsBounty aren't supported any longer, I will not release any future features update, only bug fixes if needed.
Take a look at HeadsBounty for 1.13 and above
Allows your player to sell heads to dealer,
than to go shop and buy your awesome custom items!
In addition, players able to receive head drop from players, animals and mobs, (Optional in config.yml)
and sell them to dealer in Fully attractive GUI menu!
Dealer's Shop: Is out! Now your players will be able to use their heads
balance and spend them in dealer's shop!
The new config allows you to customize every single detail in the whole menu, especially in shop menu, which you can customize with this new functions:
Take a look at HeadsBounty for 1.13 and above
Allows your player to sell heads to dealer,
than to go shop and buy your awesome custom items!
In addition, players able to receive head drop from players, animals and mobs, (Optional in config.yml)
and sell them to dealer in Fully attractive GUI menu!
Dealer's Shop: Is out! Now your players will be able to use their heads
balance and spend them in dealer's shop!
The new config allows you to customize every single detail in the whole menu, especially in shop menu, which you can customize with this new functions:
shop: # Shop section
'1': # Item ID
enable: true # Enable/Disable item from shop
signatureOnItem: true # Dealer's signature on items from shop ( editable above `dealerSignatureOnItems` )
type: item # Item's type (can be command/item)
attributes: false # Enable/Disable attributes like "When in main hand..."
amount: '1' # Units per buy ( can be more than 64 )
material: diamond_sword # Item's material name
displayName: Sword Of God # Item's display name (no color needed)
lore: # Lore section
- §cPowerful §7Diamond Sword
color: §c§l # Item's main color
slot: '0' # Item's slot on shop GUI menu
price: '50' # Item's pricee
enchantments: # Enchantments section
- Unbreaking:3
- Sharpness:5
Note: In config.yml you have a examples items which i made early on,
you can see the config shop's section below in configuration section.
You able to execute command as shop item on buy, or give player
custom item you made in config (item's type: command/item)
Player's Statistics: Your player's now able to see their own statistics,
balance, amount of heads been sold and amount of heads been spent on shop, also the total amount of money he made by selling heads.
NPC: You can create Dealer NPC which right click on them will shows
the GUI menu of dealer to player.
In order to use this feature the plugin soft depend on Citizens.
New Commands: A few command added to the plugin:
/headsBounty /hb
you can see the config shop's section below in configuration section.
You able to execute command as shop item on buy, or give player
custom item you made in config (item's type: command/item)
Player's Statistics: Your player's now able to see their own statistics,
balance, amount of heads been sold and amount of heads been spent on shop, also the total amount of money he made by selling heads.
NPC: You can create Dealer NPC which right click on them will shows
the GUI menu of dealer to player.
In order to use this feature the plugin soft depend on Citizens.
New Commands: A few command added to the plugin:
/headsBounty /hb
[ HeadsBounty ] ____________________________
aliases: /hb /headsBounty
/headsBounty Help: Shows you this menu
/headsBounty Reload: Reloads plugin's configuration file
/headsBounty Create: Creates new NPC dealer
/headsBounty Give [player] [heads]: Gives to player heads
/headsBounty Take [player] [heads]: Takes from player heads
/headsBounty Reset [player]: Resets Player's head balance
/headsBounty Info: Shows you plugin's info
New config functions added!
description: unlocks all permissions to player (executePayment not included)
default: false
description: allows to player use /sellhead feature
default: true
description: allows to player enter dealer's shop
default: true
description: allows to player to earn executePayment for selling heads
default: false
description: allows to player to earn executePayment and money for selling heads
default: false
description: allows to player create dealer npc
default: op
description: allows to player reload the config files
default: op
description: allows to player to see help list
default: op
description: allows to player see info about the plugin
default: op
Player with headsbounty.executepayment will be able to get the execute
command for evey single head as payment.
Player with headsbounty.executepayment.bonus will be able to get the execute command for single head, and in addition the regular price
which you set in config.yml
Following to the new permissions, you can see that i added reload command, and also the option to buy from player the heads for command execution, instead of money, and in addition!
You can set to player the permission to get executeCommand, and the bonus permission gives to the player double reward, the price for single head, and in addition the executed command!
Follow the new config functions:
Player with headsbounty.executepayment will be able to get the execute
command for evey single head as payment.
Player with headsbounty.executepayment.bonus will be able to get the execute command for single head, and in addition the regular price
which you set in config.yml
value!Following to the new permissions, you can see that i added reload command, and also the option to buy from player the heads for command execution, instead of money, and in addition!
You can set to player the permission to get executeCommand, and the bonus permission gives to the player double reward, the price for single head, and in addition the executed command!
Follow the new config functions:
#execute command per head (blank = disable, please left this field false or command only, nothing else!)
#by default the execution is false, you can edit it to your command.
#Example: executePayment=give {player} diamond 1
#Enable/Disable bonus mode
#Enable = All players which have headsbounty.executepayment.bonus will get the money of headPrice also
#Disable = All players which have headsbounty.executepayment.bonus will not get the money of headPrice
#Permission: headsbounty.executepayment.bonus
#default: true, if player have this false, he will not get any bonus.
You can enable/disable head drops on death of player,
animal, and mobs each,
you can set the amount of heads will drop from entity on death,
and set price to get per head!
Those features are disabled by default, you need to enable them in
In the next updates i will add event mode which allows you to set
specific time in day to get 2x reward on head sales,
headsBounty Manager GUI menu for management,
set prices of specific entities heads and more!
You can enable/disable head drops on death of player,
animal, and mobs each,
you can set the amount of heads will drop from entity on death,
and set price to get per head!
Those features are disabled by default, you need to enable them in
In the next updates i will add event mode which allows you to set
specific time in day to get 2x reward on head sales,
headsBounty Manager GUI menu for management,
set prices of specific entities heads and more!
[ HeadsBounty ] ____________________________
aliases: /hb /headsBounty
/SellHead: Opens main GUI menu
/headsBounty Help: Shows you this menu
/headsBounty Reload: Reloads plugin's configuration file
/headsBounty Create: Creates new NPC dealer
/headsBounty Give [player] [heads]: Gives to player heads
/headsBounty Take [player] [heads]: Takes from player heads
/headsBounty Reset [player]: Resets Player's head balance
/headsBounty Info: Shows you plugin's info
description: unlocks all permissions to player (executePayment not included)
default: false
description: allows to player use /sellhead feature
default: true
description: allows to player enter dealer's shop
default: true
description: allows to player to earn executePayment for selling heads
default: false
description: allows to player to earn executePayment and money for selling heads
default: false
description: allows to player create dealer npc
default: op
description: allows to player reload the config files
default: op
description: allows to player to see help list
default: op
description: allows to player see info about the plugin
default: op
# headsBounty #
# By _ReflexShow_ #
# v1.3 #
# Official release:
# #
# If you find any bugs please #
# contact me in spigot private #
# message system and i'll try #
# to fix that quick as i can(: #
# #
version: v1.0 # Plugin's latest version
enableBounty: true # Enable/Disable plugin
enableShop: true # Enable/Disable shop
playerHeadDrop: false # Enable/Disable players head drop
playerHeadPerDeath: '1' # Amount of heads drops from player per death
mobHeadDrop: false # Enable/Disable mobs head drop
mobHeadPerDeath: '1' # Amount of heads drops from mob per death
animalHeadDrop: false # Enable/Disable animals head drop
animalHeadPerDeath: '1' # Amount of heads drops from animal per death
headPrice: '5' # Head's price as payment per head (Disable=0)
#execute command per head (Disable=false, please leave this field `false` or the actual command, nothing else!)
#by default the execution is false, you can edit it to your command.
#Permission: headsbounty.executepayment
#Example: executePayment=give {player} diamond 1
executePayment: false # false default
#Enable/Disable bonus mode
#Enable = All players which have headsbounty.executepayment.bonus will get the money of headPrice also
#Disable = All players which have headsbounty.executepayment.bonus will not get the money of headPrice
#Permission: headsbounty.executepayment.bonus
#default: true, if player have this false, he will not get any bonus.
enableBonus: false # Enable bonus (gets regular payment + executePayment above (need both permissions)
#Set dealer's head ( copy the texture url from )
#Copy the part which comes after `cmUv` in url link and paste here!
currency: $ # Preview currency
emptyMaterial: # empty slot Material section
material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE # empty material
data: '15' # Material data if needed (you can remove it also)
prefix: §f[§8§lHeadsBounty§f]§r # Main perfix[/LEFT]
dealerDisplayName: §7§lDealer # Dealer's display name
dealerSignatureOnItems: §7§lDealer's Item # Dealer's signature on items form shop (after buy)
menuTitle: §0§lHeadsBounty§r # Dealer's menu title
reloadMessage: §ayou reloaded the config files successfully! # Reload command
npcCreated: §aThe dealer {npcname} created successfully! # NPC create command
dealerOpenMenuMessage: §cWelcome to {npcname}'s §cmenu! # Message on open menu /sellhead
youDontHaveHeads: §cyou don't have any heads in your inventory! # Player don't have heads in inventory message
soldSuccessfully: §aYou sold §c{sold} §aheads successfully! # Player sold heads message
notAvailable: §cThis feature aren't available right now. # Not available message
noPermission: §cYou don't have permission to do that! # No permission message
resetMessage: §aYou reset §c{player} §aheads balance successfully! # Reset heads balance message
giveMessage: §aYou gave §6{heads} §aheads to §6{player} §asuccessfully! # Give heads message
takeMessage: §aYou took §c{heads} §aheads from §c{player} §asuccessfully! # Take heads message
playerNotOnline: §cThis player aren't online currently. # Player not online message
consoleErrorMessage: §cYou can execute this command only as player. # Player command only message (to console)
boughtMessage: §aYou bought {item} §afor §c{heads} §aheads successfully! # Player bought new item from shopmessage
noHeads: §cYou can't afford {heads} heads for {item}. # Player trying to buy something expensive message
dealerLore1: §f§lI am the heads dealer, # Dealer's lore line 1
dealerLore2: §fi'll buy from you every single head! # Dealer's lore line 2
dealerSlot: '13' # Dealer's slot on GUI menu
sellDisplay: §9§lSell Heads # Sell button title
sellLore: §fSell §c§l{heads} §fheads now # Sell button lore
sellSlot: '22' # Sell button slot on GUI menu
statsDisplay: §c§lYour Statistics # Stats title
statsBalance: '§f Balance: §a§l{heads} §fheads' # Stats current balance
statsSold: §fYou §asold §ftill now §c§l{heads} §fheads # Stats sold till now (total)
statsMoney: §fYou §6earned §ftill now §a§l{money} §fof selling heads # Stats earned money till now (total)
statsSpent: §fYou §cspent §ftill now §c§l{heads} §fheads # Stats spent heads in dealer's shop (total)
statsSlot: '40' # Stats slot on GUI menu
shopDisplay: §9§lDealer's Shop # Shop title
shopLore: §fYou can spend §a§l{heads} §fheads! # Shop lore
shopSlot: '31' # Shop slot on GUI menu # Shop slot on GUI menu
shopMaterial: DOUBLE_PLANT # Shop material item
backDisplay: §c§lBack # Back button title (in shop)
backMaterial: iron_door # Back button material item
backSlot: '53' # Back button slot on GUI menu
youAwesome: true # It's fact <3
shop: # Shop section
'1': # Item ID
enable: true # Enable/Disable item from shop
signatureOnItem: true # Dealer's signature on items from shop ( editable above `dealerSignatureOnItems` )
type: item # Item's type (can be command/item)
attributes: false # Enable/Disable attributes like "When in main hand..."
amount: '1' # Units per buy ( can be more than 64 )
material: diamond_sword # Item's material name
displayName: Sword Of God # Item's display name (no color needed)
lore: # Lore section
- §cPowerful §7Diamond Sword
color: §c§l # Item's main color
slot: '0' # Item's slot on shop GUI menu
price: '50' # Item's pricee
enchantments: # Enchantments section
- Unbreaking:3
- Sharpness:5
enable: true
signatureOnItem: true
type: item
attributes: false
amount: '1'
material: diamond_pickaxe
displayName: Pickaxe Of God
- §cPowerful §7Diamond Pickaxe
color: §c§l
slot: '1'
price: '70'
- Silk_Touch:1
- Efficiency:4
enable: true
signatureOnItem: false
type: item
attributes: false
amount: '1'
material: diamond_helmet
displayName: Helmet Of God
- §cPowerful §7Diamond Helmet
color: §c§l
slot: '9'
price: '35'
- Blast_Protection:5
- Unbreaking:2
enable: true
signatureOnItem: false
type: item
attributes: false
amount: '1'
material: diamond_chestplate
displayName: Chestplate Of God
- §cPowerful §7Diamond Chestplate
color: §c§l
slot: '10'
price: '75'
- Fire_Protection:5
enable: true
signatureOnItem: false
type: item
attributes: false
amount: '1'
material: diamond_leggings
displayName: Leggings Of God
- §cPowerful §7Diamond Leggings
color: §c§l
slot: '11'
price: '45'
- Unbreaking:3
- Fire_Protection:2
enable: true
signatureOnItem: false
type: item
attributes: false
amount: '1'
material: diamond_boots
displayName: Boots Of God
- §cPowerful §7Diamond Boots
color: §c§l
slot: '12'
price: '25'
- Depth_Strider:2
- Blast_Protection:3
enable: true
attributes: false
amount: '1'
type: command
command: say I spent 20 heads for this message
material: paper
displayName: Useless Item
- §fUseless message item
color: §3§l
slot: '18'
price: '20'
enable: true
signatureOnItem: false
attributes: false
amount: '1'
type: item
material: diamond
displayName: Diamond
slot: '19'
price: '3'
As you can see the config allows you to enable/disable pretty much
every single feature.
Depend: Vault
Soft Depend: Citizens, PlaceholderAPI
I'm looking forward to fix problems errors and bugs,
please fell free to contact me in private message or
dissection tab above to solve it!
If you like the plugin please leave a rate in comment,
it's helps me a lot
every single feature.
Depend: Vault
Soft Depend: Citizens, PlaceholderAPI
I'm looking forward to fix problems errors and bugs,
please fell free to contact me in private message or
dissection tab above to solve it!
If you like the plugin please leave a rate in comment,
it's helps me a lot