2.0.0 is coming soon with a load of new features
# Configuration file for HypeTrain plugin
# Customize the values as needed
# Message for the start of the event with placeholders {player} and {message}(ex. making a donation)
start-message: "&f&l[&e&lHypeTrain&f&l] &2&l{player} started a HypeTrain by {message} Type GG in chat for a special reward"
# Message for the finish of the event
finish-message: "&f&l[&e&lHypeTrain&f&l]&c&lThe HypeTrain has ended! Thanks for participating!"
# Phrases to trigger the reward command (case-insensitive)
- "GG"
- "gg"
# Reward command with the placeholder {player} for the player name
reward-command: give {player} diamond
# Time the event will run in seconds
event-duration: 5
# Sound played when the event starts
# Sound played when the event finishes
finish-sound: ENTITY_CAT_DEATH
# Made with Love By Kos_97 #
# Oceanic Lab Team #
# Customize the values as needed
# Message for the start of the event with placeholders {player} and {message}(ex. making a donation)
start-message: "&f&l[&e&lHypeTrain&f&l] &2&l{player} started a HypeTrain by {message} Type GG in chat for a special reward"
# Message for the finish of the event
finish-message: "&f&l[&e&lHypeTrain&f&l]&c&lThe HypeTrain has ended! Thanks for participating!"
# Phrases to trigger the reward command (case-insensitive)
- "GG"
- "gg"
# Reward command with the placeholder {player} for the player name
reward-command: give {player} diamond
# Time the event will run in seconds
event-duration: 5
# Sound played when the event starts
# Sound played when the event finishes
finish-sound: ENTITY_CAT_DEATH
# Made with Love By Kos_97 #
# Oceanic Lab Team #