Make use of those Iron Nuggets added in Minecraft 1.11 by crafting Iron Apples. These use the texture of a golden apple, but do not give you the same effects. This plugin only works on Minecraft 1.11+, since Iron Nuggets were added in Minecraft 1.11.
- Craft Iron Apples by surrounding an apple with iron nuggets
- Enable/Disable needing a permission to craft the iron apples in the config
- Enable/Disable needing a permission to eat the iron apples in the config
- Customize the apple from name and lore to effects it gives you when eaten
- Customize the cooldown between eating iron apples
Commands & Permissions:
- Permission "ironapples.admin" needed to use the /ironapples command.
- /ironapples give (player) (amount) - Give a player a specified amount of iron apples.
- /ironapples reload - Reload the IronApples config.
- Permission "ironapples.craft" needed to craft apples IF the option is enabled in config. Default is disabled.
- Permission "ironapples.eat" needed to eat apples IF the option is enabled in config. Default is disabled.


If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to let me know in the Discussion section. If you enjoyed the plugin, feel free to leave a review!