Lobby - Blue Forest - 500x500 v2.1

Beautiful High detailed Lobby surrounded by water | Spawn, 7x Place for NPC's
    • blue-forest.png
    • 1.jpg
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    • 3.jpg
    • 4.jpg
    • 5.jpg
    • 6.jpg
    • 7.jpg
    • BlueForestBanner.jpg
    • blue-forest.png
    • 1.jpg
    • 2.jpg
    • 3.jpg
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    • 7.jpg
    • BlueForestBanner.jpg
Product information:
High detailed Lobby in a deep forest surrounded by water
Size: ≈ 500x500
Interiors: Yes
Versions: 1.8 - 1.20+
  • Places for 7 NPCs (can be managed by you)
  • Port and 4 ships
  • 3 Market tents
  • 1 Info table
  • Interiors
  • Islands in the water
  • Small square
  • Giant spruce trees
  • Village
  • Fountain
  • and so much more..

Build can be loaded on any version 1.8+ and higher, versions below are provided as there are new blocks in these versions

Java Schematic:
• 1.8 - 1.12 with 1.8 blocks
• 1.13 - 1.15 with 1.13 blocks
• 1.16 - 1.17 with 1.16 blocks
• 1.18+ with 1.16 blocks

Java World:
• 1.8 - 1.15 with 1.8 blocks
• 1.16 - 1.17 with 1.16 blocks
• 1.18+ with 1.16 blocks

Minecraft Bedrock:
.mcworld file

Click the button below to see more

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See Blue Forest on Sketchfab

Do you have problems with movement and orientation?
Enable first-person view (similar to Minecraft's spectator mode)

In the bottom right corner click on this
, then to Navigation, and then on First Person
W, S, A, D
to move, spin middle mouse button to increase movement speed

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Blue Forest

Contact information

Website: https://www.breadbuilds.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/breadbuilds-594484981930262551
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BreadBuilds_
Store: https://www.breadbuilds.com/store

© BreadBuilds

Latest reviews

I can't believe the pricing on this build. It's very gorgeous with plenty for players to look at. The detailing on the ships is especially nice. I think the paths and booths are nicely laid out for players to walk around, interact with NPCs, and not get confused. The files also came with instructions, so I was able to upload the world for my first time with a few tries.
Thanks a milion for your feedback left on this lobby. It is a pleasure to work with such nice people like you. We definitely recommend this lobby, not only us, but hundreds of other people recommend it. We're glad you like it!
Awesome map! The winter version really adds something to it! Can't wait to use this on my server :)
Thank you <3
This spawn is excellent, 10/10 in design. Simply perfect and recommended.
Thanks a milion for your support and trust in us!
This license was given for free. What's this?
Very awesome build once more. Very cheap prices. And probably the best customer support ever!!
Thank you very much for your feedback!
The map is very good, I like it very much, it is absolutely suitable for my server, this is the forth map I bought..
Thank you so much, it is amazing to hear something like that! :3
Amazing build! I got such a high quality build for a low price! Would definitely recommend buying this map if you own a server!
Thank you very much ❤️
It looks great, has lots of detail in / on the houses and other buildings. Very nice to walk around.
Thank you <3
Very well made spawn! 11/10
Thanks a lot! :3
11/10 build. The build looks amazing, and it's just the right size for a server's main lobby. Would highly recommend.
Thank you so much dude! ;)
Buy a license now
EULA: Standard EULA
2 renders
Get 2 renders of this build in full quality and without watermark. Use them wherever you want
Christmas version
Snow, gifts, candy canes, and the Christmas tree. Ho-ho-ho!
New: Now supporting cryptocurrency payments!
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262 Purchases
Mar 3, 2021 Published
Feb 9, 2025 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (9)
38.6 MB File size
  1. Spawn
Game mode
  1. Survival
  2. Hub
  1. Medieval
  2. Fantasy
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.15
  9. 1.16
  10. 1.17
  11. 1.18
  12. 1.19
  13. 1.20
File format
  1. Schematic
  2. World
Crediting original
Created by SylienceBT, reworked by BreadBuilds, rendered by VoenixX, iAlem_, LordKingCrown
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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Amazing High detailed Lobby surrounded by water | Spawn, 5x Place for NPC's, 2x Place for Crates
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460 purchases
Amazing Medieval Lobby surrounded by water | SpawnPoint, Portal, 5x Place for NPC's
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320 purchases
Orange Medieval detailed Lobby | SpawnPoint, 3x Place for NPC's | Crate Place
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289 purchases
Lobby | SpawnPoint | 3x Place for NPC's | 2x Place for Crates | Made for big and quality servers
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings
248 purchases
Medieval HQ detailed circle Lobby | SpawnPoint, 4x Place for NPC's
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings
232 purchases
Share and earn
Refer this resource and earn a 7% commission.
262 Purchases
Mar 3, 2021 Published
Feb 9, 2025 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (9)
38.6 MB File size
  1. Spawn
Game mode
  1. Survival
  2. Hub
  1. Medieval
  2. Fantasy
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.15
  9. 1.16
  10. 1.17
  11. 1.18
  12. 1.19
  13. 1.20
File format
  1. Schematic
  2. World
Crediting original
Created by SylienceBT, reworked by BreadBuilds, rendered by VoenixX, iAlem_, LordKingCrown
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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Amazing High detailed Lobby surrounded by water | Spawn, 5x Place for NPC's, 2x Place for Crates
5.00 star(s) 9 ratings
460 purchases
Amazing Medieval Lobby surrounded by water | SpawnPoint, Portal, 5x Place for NPC's
5.00 star(s) 9 ratings
320 purchases
Orange Medieval detailed Lobby | SpawnPoint, 3x Place for NPC's | Crate Place
5.00 star(s) 8 ratings
289 purchases
Lobby | SpawnPoint | 3x Place for NPC's | 2x Place for Crates | Made for big and quality servers
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248 purchases
Medieval HQ detailed circle Lobby | SpawnPoint, 4x Place for NPC's
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings
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