Supported client versions are from 1.16 up to the latest 1.20, but for the optimal experience,
it is recommended to play on 1.20.1 version.

❖ Welcome Message ❖
❖ Server Navigator ❖
❖ Hub Navigator ❖
❖ Custom Menus ❖
❖ LeaderBoards ❖
❖ Void Teleport ❖
❖ Custom Map ❖
❖ Player Hider ❖
❖ ScoreBoard ❖
❖ Lobby Bow ❖
❖ Holograms ❖
❖ Tablist ❖
❖ Ranks ❖
❖ MOTD ❖
❖ NPCS ❖

Builds are one of the most important thing on the server.
We spent a lot of time to make awesome builds for your server!

Allows players to switch to other servers!
( LifeSteal, SkyBlock or Earth SMP )

Allows players to switch to other hubs/lobbys!

Welcome message that each player will receive upon joining the server!
(Links that are clickable)

Shows brief information about the player, subservers,
stats and their number of players!

These are hotbar items used for easier navigation
(Server Navigator, Useful Links, Hub Navigator, Hide Players & Bow Teleport)

Custom Tablist made in Hex Colors showing how many players are
connected and your server ip!

There are 5 different ranks with Hex Colors (Member and Staff) that you can use globally!

Beautiful holograms with Hex Colors will beautify your spawn and will give
useful information to your players!

Modern custom motd with Hex Colors!

Need more information about setup, you found a bug or have any questions?
Feel free to contact me.
(For the fastest answer, contact me on discord)
DISCORD: ultimatesetups
BUILTBYBIT: Private Message

━━━━━━ ULTIMATE SETUPS ━━━━━━
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