Magic Cosmetics - 20OFF v3.1.0

Wardrobe system, tokens, balloons, backpacks, canes, hats with resource packs and much more.
  • Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI did not work in the balloon and spray menu.
  • end-slot in menus.yml were corrected now they will take the real number, previously it took the number and changed it because of that sometimes it produced an ArrayOutOfBoundsException.

please go to menus.yml and change the previous value of all menus from 39 to 43.
  • conflict in the color menu.
  • added a new command /cosmetics hideAll will hide all your equipped cosmetics.
  • color has been added to the ItemsAdder custom entities.
  • A more efficient form of first-person backpacking was implemented.
  • Added an option to sort the cosmetics menu.
  • Added an option for you to set the idle and walk animation of balloons using Meg or IA.
  • Improved ItemsAdder custom entities.
  • The API has been redesigned to give you access to more features!
The api has been modified, more information here.
New paths were added to the wiki.
  • Unnecessary log spam has been fixed.

  • Fixed a problem with hat and cane type cosmetics, when clicking on the items in other custom inventories, they disappear.

  • Colors fixed in 1.19.
The api has been modified, more information here.
  • Unnecessary logs removed.
  • Added an option to the balloons to hide their string.
  • ItemsAdder Custom Entities have been added.
  • Support at 1.19 added.
See the new additions to the cosmetics.yml file
  • When you run the command /cosmetics unequip <player> <cosmeticId> in console it did nothing.
  • The option to allow if you want your cosmetic to be exchanged for a token again.
Here's what's new about tokens.
PlaceholderAPI a new placeholder is added to obtain the id of the type of cosmetic they are using.
  • In 1.16.x when tapping inside the wardrobe, the cosmetics menu does not open.
  • an option to enable or disable whether items are displayed when entering zones.
  • ItemsAdder fonts can now be used in the lore and display name of cosmetic items.
  • Option to modify the negative space of the panels that establish whether you have the cosmetic, have it equipped or simply do not have it from row 1 to row 6 of the inventory.
Check out the new paths.
  • At the moment of starting the server it disabled the plugin.
  • when you used the cosmetics with permissions, they were buggy and would not let you use some commands.
  • Model Engine models did not stare at where the player was looking.
  • In the zones, the location of the balloons was reset every time the server was restarted.
  • new option for cosmetics that allows you to hide them in the menu.
  • cooldown for sprays has been added.
new paths in files
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EULA: Standard EULA
New: Now supporting cryptocurrency payments!
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1,036 Purchases
Feb 25, 2022 Published
Oct 16, 2024 Updated
3.50 star(s)
Average rating (27)
1.4 MB File size
  1. Minigame
Supported software
  1. Spigot
  2. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.16
  2. 1.17
  3. 1.18
  4. 1.19
  5. 1.20
Recommended for you
Expand the magic of your server with these avatars, on scoreboard, tab, bossbar, etc.
2.00 star(s) 5 ratings
263 purchases
revamp your server with these crates with models, animated rewards editor in game and much more.
4.00 star(s) 9 ratings
221 purchases
Wardrobe system, a unique gesture system with a variety of options to try, including cosmetics!
3.00 star(s) 2 ratings
146 purchases
Make your live events more fun with interactions on Tiktok, Twitch and Kick.
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings
40 purchases
#1 BuiltByBit Plugin ~ Protects your server from crash packet exploits ~ Folia Support
5.00 star(s) 111 ratings
2,858 purchases
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1,036 Purchases
Feb 25, 2022 Published
Oct 16, 2024 Updated
3.50 star(s)
Average rating (27)
1.4 MB File size
  1. Minigame
Supported software
  1. Spigot
  2. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.16
  2. 1.17
  3. 1.18
  4. 1.19
  5. 1.20
Recommended for you
Expand the magic of your server with these avatars, on scoreboard, tab, bossbar, etc.
2.00 star(s) 5 ratings
263 purchases
revamp your server with these crates with models, animated rewards editor in game and much more.
4.00 star(s) 9 ratings
221 purchases
Wardrobe system, a unique gesture system with a variety of options to try, including cosmetics!
3.00 star(s) 2 ratings
146 purchases
Make your live events more fun with interactions on Tiktok, Twitch and Kick.
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings
40 purchases
#1 BuiltByBit Plugin ~ Protects your server from crash packet exploits ~ Folia Support
5.00 star(s) 111 ratings
2,858 purchases